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-Meliodas POV-

It have just been a weekend and I was walking to Elizabeth's house to pick her up on the way to school like usual, but every time I looked at someone, they looked away from me, what happened? Why is everyone staring at me.

I knocked on the door and Elizabeth's dad opened it.

"Hello soon be father in law." I said. He smashed the door close. I knocked again and he opened again.

"Hello, can I get my girlfriend?" I asked. He once again smashed the door close. I knocked again, but no one opened. I continued to knock until he opened again. He glared at me annoyed.

"I don't approve of you as my daughter's boyfriend. Go away!" He said.

"I am sorry, but you did yesterday. You can't just change your mind with less then 24 hours with something this important. Besides, it's your daughter's choice, not yours if I will be her boyfriend. So could you please get her for me?" I asked.

"No." He said and closed the door. I got annoyed and knocked. He opened.

"I said no!" He said.

"Just get her! I am getting annoyed and just want to be with her! Just tell her to come downstairs so that we can walk to school!" I said a bit louder then before. He was about to close the door when I stopped him.

"Then I will get her for myself!" I said and walked in and upstairs. Looking in every room until I found Elizabeth's.

I walked in her room to see her asleep. I walked closer to her.

-Bartra's POV-

I walked up to Elizabeth's room to get out the boy. I was about to walk in when I stopped to look what was happening in there. It was a small gap between the wall and door, so I looked what the boy was going to do.

He walked over to her while she was sleeping. He started stroking her cheek as she slowly woke up.

"Good morning Elizabeth. Time to wake up." The boy said. She slowly opened her eyes and smiled.

"Meliodas? Good morning." She said. I smiled a bit.

"You need to get changed before school, we don't want to be late now, do we?" The boy named Meliodas said. Elizabeth nodded and kissed his cheek.

"I will let you change alone. I will be waiting outside your room." He said.

"Okay." Elizabeth said. Meliodas kissed her cheek before turning around and walking to the door. I immediately ran behind the corner to watch him there.

He walked out of her room, closing the door and then stood outside it with his back facing her room. He didn't even look at her door before Elizabeth come out fully dressed.

"Okay, let's go!" Elizabeth said. Meliodas nodded and they walked towards me. I ran down the stairs to stand in front of the door.

"Where are you two going?" I asked.

"To school." Elizabeth said. Meliodas nodded.

"Could you please move?" Meliodas asked.

"Elizabeth's breakfast." I said.

"I will buy something to her on the way, so please move." Meliodas said. I signed and moved. They both walked away. I could see them walk away. Fading with every step they took.

-Elizabeth's POV-

We walked to school, but everyone was staring at us. Meliodas seemed to notice as he made me walk a bit closer to him then usual.

When we paid for my breakfast, everyone was staring there too. At the school, everyone was staring. Then my friends walked up to us.

"What is happening?" Meliodas asked and pulled me closer to him.

"Haven't you seen? It's like the most famous video in the whole world." Diane said and showed us the video when Meliodas did that to my father.

"How the hell did this come up on the internet?!" Meliodas asked.

"M-Meliodas?" We heard a nervous voice behind us ask. We all looked back to see a brown haired girl with blue eyes.

"I-I w-was wondering i-if y-you wanted t-to be my b-boyfriend?" She asked.

"S-sorry." Meliodas said and kinda hide behind me.

"Meliodas! Be my boyfriend!" A girl yelled as she ran towards us on our left side. She had pink-red short hair with blue eyes. Meliodas hide even more as girls started surrounding us, asking Meliodas to be their boyfriends.

Meliodas hugged me tight as he hide behind me. My friends had been pushed away from us. Like every girl had surrounded us.

I turned around and hugged Meliodas back, I was starting to get scared and he saw it.

"Stop!" He yelled and everything went quiet.

"I already have a girlfriend and I will never have any other then her! Stop asking me things! You are scaring her and I won't allow it!" Meliodas said and hugged me a bit tighter. Everyone had frozen in place until they slowly disappeared one after one.

It was only the sins left.

"I'm so sorry." Meliodas said and kissed my head. I smiled at what he did.

"Wow, you are like the new popular boy now." Ban said.

"That was so cool!" Diane said. All the sins started to compliment Meliodas and me, but no of us listened. We just hugged each other and Meliodas whispered things to clam me down. It worked really good.

"We should go to class." We heard Gowther say. Me and Meliodas looked at him and nodded.

"Sounds good." Meliodas said. I agreed as we all walked to class. Me and Meliodas sat down at the back in a corner of the classroom. Meliodas was writing notes to me as I sat down in his lap. He didn't let me write at all. Just sketch and things if I had bored.

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