Father problems

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-Elizabeth's POV-

The school day was over while me and Meliodas was walking to my house. As soon as we arrived, the door bust open.

"Elizabeth?! Did you ate breakfast?!" Father asked.

"Yes, I did." I said as we continued walking towards the house. Some steps was all it took before we stood in front of father.

"Good! Go in now." Father said. Meliodas let me walk in first, but when he would walk in, father stopped him.

"Father!" I said.

"Sorry Elizabeth, but I don't accept this boy as your boyfriend!" Father said.

"Stop this already! I want to spent time with the one I love, is that so strange?!" I asked.

"He isn't good enough!" Father said.

"You doesn't decide that! That's my choice and I love him!" I said. Meliodas was just quiet and smirked when I said that I love him.

"I don't care! He is not spending time with you!" Father said.

"Why can't you ever let me decide?! It's my life!" I said.

"Elizabeth, you will not be with him! You understand?!" Father asked.

"But it's my life! Not yours! I'm the one who decides this kind of things!" I said.

"No! I am the one and I am not accepting him!" Father said.

"Father! It's my life! I love him and won't stop even if you tell me to!" I said.

-Bartra's POV-

"STOP IT ELIZABETH! I AM THE ONE WHO DECIDES! GO UP TO YOUR ROOM! IMMEDIATELY!" I yelled. Snapping. This time, I looked at her and not Meliodas.

Tears was forming in her eyes and they rolled down easily. She fell to the floor with sad eyes.

"What do you think you are doing?!" Meliodas said and pushed me away. Then he walked in and hugged her, rubbing her back.

"Shh, Elizabeth, calm down. This will be fixed. I promise." He said as she slowly stopped crying. It didn't take long before he lifted up her face to look at him.

"I love you Elizabeth, I will always do. Okay?" He asked she nodded as they both leaned in and kissed.

That pissed me off. I took Meliodas' shoulders and pulled him away from her.

"M-Meliodas!" Elizabeth said and stretched out her hands to him like a baby. I let go of Meliodas near the door.

"Go up to your room! Now!" I said. She looked at Meliodas, then slowly stood up and walked upstairs.

When she was fully up, I looked at Meliodas and picked him up by the sweater.

"You stay away from my daughter!" I said. He made it out from my grip and looked at me.

"No! Look what you are doing to her! You made her cry!" He yelled.

-Elizabeth's POV-

Laying in bed, I heard yelling between Meliodas and father. Not wanting to hear it, I tried to cover my ears with both my hands and pillows, but I could still hear it.

After about a hour of yelling, the door to my room opened, but I didn't look at who it was. I'm sure it is father.

A kiss on the cheek made me look to see Meliodas.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded and hugged him.

"Yeah, now when you are here." I said. He hugged back and whispered "I will always come back to you."

"I'm happy for that." I whispered back and let go of him. Then I asked "What was you yelling about?"

"What do you think?" He asked. I leaned on him and he took an arm around me, pulling me closer.

"I love you Meliodas." I said.

"I love you too Elizabeth." He said. Then he looked at me, asking "What do you want to do?"

"Well, I don't know. Does father know you are here?" I asked. He nodded and answered with "He gave me one chance, but if I do something he doesn't like, or rather make something, he won't accept us anymore."

"Make something?" I asked. His face become red as he said "You know,do nasty things with you and get a... you know." He said. I nodded, turning red too.

"Well, it won't happen in years at least." I said and leaned on his chest while he pulled me close.

"Yeah, it's definitely too early." Meliodas said, then looked at the clock.

"Shit, I need to go." Meliodas said and stood up, then he gave me a quick kiss before saying "Love you Elizabeth. See you tomorrow." and running out of the room.

"Love you too." I said, but he had already left the house.

-Meliodas POV-

I arrived home and tried to sneak in without anyone knowing I was out. I got to the stairs before I heard a voice behind me "Where have you been?"

Slowly, I turned around to see father with crossed arms. In a small panic, I answered "No where"

"Was you with that girl?" He asked, making me ask "What girl?" fake confused.

"You know very well what I am talking about Meliodas. I have seen a video when you KISS a girl and you have become popular. Both in the internet and at school." Father said.

I signed before saying "Please father, just this one girl. I do whatever."

"You need to have broken up with her tomorrow and taken back your bad reputation. If you haven't at the end of week, I will send you away. Again." Father said, I nodded and started walking up at my room.

I plopped down in bed with my head in the pillow. Tomorrow will be a hell of a day.

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