Part 3 - Moving on

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Suffice to say, after that embarrassing morning, he got a place with his friend Rocky across town thus bringing an end to our accidental movie night snuggles on the couch, much to my dismay. Not that I didn't get to see him at all, I did. He would pick Amy and I up from school on the days our parents couldn't. Oh, her and I had our driver's licenses but neither of us had earned enough to buy our own cars yet, so we still had to be chauffeured. And oh, how I loved those rides with him. I'd just watch him in the rearview mirror from the back seat. He'd make the funniest faces while Amy and I chatted about this boy or that boy. Of course, we did it just annoy him and worked every time. Those car rides made my junior year bearable. 

 That summer was dull in comparison to previous ones because Darren wasn't there to ogle or harass. Though we both had jobs for the summer, we still never managed to save enough for a decent car. So, even as seniors, we had to be chauffeured, which of course meant I got to see Darren occasionally again.

And just like the previous year, we both did our best to annoy him with our teen drama. Most of the time he would just roll his eyes and humph like he didn't care, but once in a while I could get a good reaction. One particular Friday, while he was driving us home, Amy and I were discussing the upcoming senior prom. She told him that Eric, from the school marching band had asked her to the dance and she accepted. This elicited a mere eye roll and a slight nod of approval. I mentioned that I had accepted an offer from Raul, the star forward of the basketball team and Darren pulled the car over. Amy and I sat slack jawed as he slammed the car in park and turned to look at us. Well, me actually and spoke through clenched teeth. "You're going to the prom with a jock??!"

"Yeah. So?" Surprised at his seemingly angered demeanor.

He looked me up and down disapprovingly. "No. Jocks are bad news. Find someone from the art club or something."

"Whatever. I already said 'yes'." I snarked. If he was angry, I didn't care. 

"Well, tell him you changed your mind!"

"I will not."

"You will or I will..."

Now it was my anger that flared. "Will what, Darren? Run him off like every other boy that has ever asked me out?" My face was hot. "Don't deny it, either. I know you have. You run this one off and I swear I will never speak to you again. I will hate you just like you said you wanted me to!"

"You're too young to unders..."

'Too young??! I'm seventeen you ninny.' "Too young for you, maybe, but not life! I'm not stupid. He's my age – ish, and unlike you, old man, I know how to handle myself." So Raul was already eighteen, but he was closer to my age than the now twenty-one year old, overprotective brother of my best friend. And yes, Darren hated it when I called him 'old man' just as much as I hated being called 'kid'.

He opened his mouth as if he were going to keep arguing. I dared him with my glare. He snorted then turned around and proceeded to drive us to my house. Upon our arrival he rolled down his window as I got out. "You know, kid, you're being stupid."

I knew he was gonna call me that. "Only for wasting my life being in love with an asshole like you." I snapped. Yeah, I said it. I wasn't sorry either. He sped off without looking at me that day and I did not see him again until the night of the prom.

Amy and I had decided to have our dates pick us up at her house for two reasons. One, her house had a really nice security system so if the boys tried anything stupid, it would be recorded and two, my parents were out of town, again, so I was staying with her anyway. 

 Her dress was a shimmery midnight blue, knee length dress with spaghetti straps. Mine was a little more modest, and green, which really is the best color for redheads. We both did our hair half up on one side and wore matching jewelry. I heard Darren's voice down the stairs as he spoke with his parents. He was offering to pick us up after the dance, but his mother assured him that everything was already taken care of. He was beginning to protest when the doorbell rang. His father answered the door and ushered our dates into the foyer which was our cue to come down the stairs. We were cheesy like that.

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