Part 12 - Apologies

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I walked to the living room to find Amy standing there looking as if she were ready to burst with excitement.  On the sofa sat Rocky and Amir.  In the recliner was an older woman I didn't know and standing next to Amy at the end of the couch was Darren.  "What's the big surprise?" I asked. 

The woman in the chair shot me a cold look that sent shivers up my spine. "Is this the woman you mentioned?" she directed towards Amy.

"Yes!  This is Erin. And you already know everyone else. Amir and his brother Rocky. My brother, Darren."  Her words sounded as awkward as I felt.  "Erin, this is Mrs. Abigail Gershand.  Angelica's grandmother."

Grandmother?  This woman is the governor's mother??  "Hello," I managed through a dry throat.  I could feel my cheeks flush under her gaze.

"Relax, girl.  You're not in trouble here." The woman said flatly. She must've recognized the anxiety on my face.  "If anything, I owe you both an apology for what I've allowed my son to do to you." Her eyes softened a bit as she looked between Darren and me. "And to you as well." She directed to Rocky and Amir.  "I should have believed you."

"I don't underst..."

"I told her the story. All of it." Amy interjected.  "Back when I found out it was true."

"Yes," she added. "And I didn't believe her.  My granddaughter backed up the story and still, I believed my son's side of things. That is, until last night when I was faced with irrefutable proof."

"What happened last night?  What proof?" I asked.  I glanced at Amir who was beaming.

"She had our son last night." He said with an infectious smile.  "He was early, but he's healthy. and beautiful."

"Yes," the woman added.  "And the child looks just like his father. His real father." She stood up, straightening her suit.  "I want to thank you for taking care of Angie, Darren.  She says you have been nothing short of a perfect gentleman with her and this time I will choose to believer her.  I promise I will talk with my son and get this situation corrected as soon as possible."  She excused herself from the room.  With her hand on the door handle, she turned back to us and said, "I suppose we should postpone the baby shower for a bit.  At least until Angie is back from the hospital."

Baby shower?  I almost forgot about that.  Speaking of baby showers...  I guess it's safe to tell Darren about our own bun in the oven.  I looked up at him and saw the smile of relief on his face.  His deep blue eyes were so full of love and joy. He reached over and softly tucked my hair behind my ear. God, I love him.  "Speaking of babies," he grinned.

My eyes widened. I was about to open my mouth when a wave of nausea washed over me. I clamped my hand over my mouth and ran to the bathroom.  I swear I heard giggles from the other room.

I heard the bathroom door open and the room was filled with Darren's scent.  I was sitting on the floor waiting for the second wave to hit me.  He knelt beside me, his soft eyes searching mine.  I was embarrassed, but too nauseous to care.  I was about to apologize when round two hit.  He grabbed my hair to hold out of the way.  "I hear this is the sucky part of pregnancy." He stated as a matter of fact.  I could argue, but he was right.  He handed me a cold washcloth when I was done and if he hadn't already proved to be all knowing, he handed me the ginger mints Mom had given me. "Don't worry, I didn't dig through your purse.  Amy did."

"How did you know?" I asked once the nausea ebbed.  "Who told you?"

"It's the real reason you came down, isn't it?"

"I actually wasn't going to, but Amy can be rather persuasive."

"But you were planning on telling me, right?"

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