Chapter 6

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Lin has been in full-panic mode since he left his apartment with Hamilton. He is certain that he hasn't sweat this much since he was a hormonal teenager. He feels like he's babysitting a toddler, watching behind his back every few seconds to make sure Hamilton hasn't strayed too far away or said anything incriminating. The man is a social butterfly — every time Lin turns around, Hamilton somehow ends up in a conversation with someone. He can't let him talk to anyone for too long.

He has to translate everything he says to Hamilton in the most basic level of English so he doesn't accidentally confuse the man. Hamilton is brilliant, but since there are two centuries between their times, they tend to have a differing vocabulary. Their slang is different — so is their grammar. Sometimes, Lin wonders if Hamilton is also holding back and they've both receded into speaking in the easiest level of English for each other.

After Daveed finally leaves them alone, he turns to Hamilton. "Hey, Hamilton — are you ready to go?" The man doesn't respond. His eyes seem glazed over as he stares straight ahead; deep in thought most likely.

"Hamilton?" Nothing. Hamilton's eyebrows furrow deeper a moment later, his eyes still focused on something in the middle distance.

"Alexander?" That gets his attention; Hamilton blinks quickly and snaps his head towards Lin. "You okay? I said your name like three times," Lin says with a frown.

"Yes, my apologies, sir." Lin's frown deepens. Why is he calling Lin 'sir' again when he specifically asked Hamilton not to do that? "What was it you wanted to say?" Lin hates the stiff formalities coming from Hamilton. He seems to have a ton of deep-seated issues that he continuously buries for some unknown reason. Lin wishes he would stop being so...robotic. Maybe it's just a defence mechanism to trauma? Or maybe Hamilton doesn't feel comfortable around Lin just yet. If that was the case, then why would Hamilton reveal such a dark thought this morning about all of this being some cosmic punishment? If it is a punishment, it's not just one for Hamilton. Lin feels like he is also being punished for some reason.

"Just that we can go home now — I mean, we can go back to my" Lin says, mumbling his words at the end.

Hamilton nods, his jaw noticeably tensing. "Yes. Alright. Lead the way."

Lin starts walking towards the exit, hoping to avoid anyone else. "Hey, Lin!" Leslie calls, shattering Lin's hopes of leaving peacefully without any more disruptions.

"Hey—" Lin drags the word a little too long. "Sup?"

"Are you headed out already? You haven't even had some of the cake yet!" Leslie asks, tilting his head. Lin wants so desperately to scream in agony.

"Yeah, sorry. It's just — not a great day. Something's going on and..." Lin does not know how to finish that sentence.

Leslie's eyes trail towards Hamilton as he frowns at Lin's statement. "What's wrong. Is it anything I can help with?"

Lin realizes that he actually does want someone's help, but he is afraid they won't be able to help him properly; nobody will believe him. 'Oh hey, I just have to find out how to build a time machine or open a time portal to send Alexander Hamilton back to the year seventeen-ninety-four! Could you help me?' Is not a very normal thing to ask someone.

"No, I'm fine. We're fine." Lin hates how unconvincing he sounds. He's a better actor than this, surely? "I've been stressed, but seeing an old friend is helping a ton," Lin adds. He can't figure out if this is a lie or not. On one hand, it is amazing to meet Alexander Hamilton. On the other hand, he has been even more stressed since the guy literally fell in front of him straight from the past last night.

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