Chapter 7

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Hamilton looks up from his notes when he hears footsteps in the hallway; the sun has risen several hours ago. He believes he has a stronger grasp on their solar system — knowing the names of every planet — and knowing too much about black holes and wormholes. Hamilton does not know what he will use this information for if he ever manages to return home, but he was never one to reject expanding his knowledge.

Lin trudge's into the living room, absently rubbing his right thigh, and ignoring Hamilton as he walks into the 'kitchen' and opens the 'refrigerator'. Hamilton grabs Lin's cell phone and approaches the counter that separates the two rooms.

"You have forgotten your cell phone, leaving it on the sofa again last night," Hamilton says after Lin places the pitcher of orange juice on the counter. He hands over the cell phone and Lin immediately begins tapping on it with his thumbs.

"Thanks," Lin mumbles tiredly as he slips the object into his pocket. He stretches up to open the cupboards above his head. "Do you want some orange juice?"

Hamilton forces a smile. "Yes, thank you." Lin places two cups on the counter and Hamilton stares at them. "I was wondering if you could teach me how to use the internet? I wish to do more research on the subject of time travel..." Hamilton looks up as Lin pauses in his motions of pouring the beverage into the cup. "If it is not too much trouble to do so," Hamilton adds timidly under his breath.

Lin blinks, unmoving for a beat too long. "Um...I — uhhh—" Lin places the pitcher down as he stammers sheepishly. "Yeah. I could try to show you how to use it, I guess. I think I have a tablet somewhere that you can use..." Lin trails off his words as he busies himself with his task again.

Hamilton stares at Lin as he pours the drinks; the dark-haired man's eyes are trained on his mediocre duty. Hamilton exhales deeply. "What is it?"

Lin looks up at him. "What is what?"

Hamilton rolls his eyes. "Something is bothering you. What is it?"

Lin purses his lips as he finishes pouring the juice into the two small cups; he slides one of them across the counter, closer to Hamilton. "I just...I don't know if you should know this much about the future. If paradoxes are an issue we need to consider, I'm afraid the universe will self-destruct or something if you learn how to navigate the internet."

Hamilton lifts a brow curiously. " Self-destruct ? I highly doubt the universe could do such a thing."

Lin tugs his lips into a slanted angle, his expression unreadable to Hamilton. "I didn't think Alexander Hamilton could travel through time and appear in front of me on my walk home from work." Hamilton's eyebrows furrow as he chews his bottom lip, resisting the urge to frown. "The universe is unpredictable is all I'm saying."

Hamilton stares at the orange juice in front of him. He grips the cup, holding it in place on the counter. "I suppose your point is valid — however, I feel the universe does not quite function in any way we assumed before this incident occurred." Hamilton takes a quick swig of the juice before slapping the cup on the counter again. "I believe my being here, in front of you, drinking your orange juice, is a paradox. If you teach me how to use this 'internet' and the universe 'self-destructs', as you say, then, by all means, you have my permission to punch me in Hell," Hamilton adds whilst gazing into Lin's eyes; they are as dark as night — as dark as Eliza's—

Lin interrupts his unusual train of thought with his boisterous laughter filling the room. The crow's feet at the corners of his eyes are prominent and his smile is bigger and brighter than life. Hamilton cannot resist the smile that escapes past his walls.

"Thanks for giving me permission to punch you. I'll hold you to that," Lin says, his tone light-hearted and his smile nowhere near fading.

Hamilton takes another sip of juice before speaking again. "Now I must know — what the hell is a tablet?"

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