Chapter 12

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Hamilton's eyes flutter open at the feeling of a cool cloth dabbing the sweat upon his forehead. He smiles and nuzzles close to the cloth and the hand holding it hesitates. Hamilton frowns, wondering why Lin has stopped. "Lin?" Hamilton murmurs.

The man sighs and continues dabbing his head. Hamilton opens his eyes and jumps away when he is met with those familiar crystal blue eyes he has not seen in over a decade. "Laurens!?" Hamilton says breathlessly.

He smiles and Hamilton lunges towards him, wrapping his arms around Laurens' neck in a tight grip. "I missed you," Hamilton whispers into his neck.

Laurens drops the cloth and returns the embrace, slowly rubbing circles into Hamilton's back soothingly. "You must know I am not really here."

Hamilton reluctantly pulls away and frowns at his Laurens. "This is but a dream."

Laurens hums, nodding his head once before picking up the cloth and resuming his dabbing upon Hamilton's forehead. "You probably do not remember this time very well since you were ridden with that terrible fever you caught in Albany," Laurens says with his eyes on the cloth. "I had stayed in this room with you the entire time, caring for you. You only remember moments, and this was one of them. Me wiping the sweat from your head before dozing off again."

Hamilton looks around. The window shows nothing but a black void, but the room — he is in Valley Forge, inside the third spare room on the second floor of the Pott's residence. It was intended for generals who would visit, but Hamilton had taken residency here for a week or so when he had fallen ill again after his return from Albany. He gazes into Laurens' eyes and sees every perfect detail as if he were real.

"If this be a dream, why do you look the way you did then? Your face should be distorted in a dream," Hamilton whispers curiously.

Laurens smiles. "It may be a dream, but tis also a memory." He continues dabbing Hamilton's head in the same repeating pattern. "This is all you recall — so it repeats."

"Why can I speak to you?" Hamilton inquires as he leans back.

"Because tis also a dream, my dear boy," Laurens whispers endearingly. "Both a dream and a memory."

Hamilton hums and stares at Laurens' face. "I never want to wake up."

"You and I both know that something is amiss — for I am your subconscious and also Laurens' memory," Laurens whispers. "When was the last time you had such a wonderful dream?"

Hamilton sits up at that and Laurens continues to dab his forehead as if he had not moved. He rubs his neck — the ghost of a residual feeling upon his skin there. Something sharp sticking in and—

"I need to find Lin," Hamilton declares. "I have gotten him and his friends in trouble and I must rescue them."

Laurens smiles at him. "That is my Hamilton I know and love. Go — rescue them. Wake up, my dear."

Hamilton blinks and hears a strange beeping sound in the distance. He can feel the world around him collapsing as he regains consciousness. "I do not want to leave you again."

Laurens rests his palm on Hamilton's cheek and smiles widely at him, full of endearment and love. Hamilton's insides flip around at the sight and feeling. "I will always be here with you, Alexander."

"John..." Hamilton's voice feels dry as he says his name — as if he truly said it out loud. The world dips into blackness like a candle had gone out — leaving Hamilton alone and in pain in the dark.

"...very peculiar indeed. It seems to happen when he is unconscious as well," a feminine voice rings through his ears. His head feels like cotton and everything sounds like he has been dunked underwater. Hamilton peels his eyes open and hears someone gasp.

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