14. Arshad's wrath.

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Long chapter



Isha's POV,

After coming back from college I began preparing for lunch. I had an hour only to get everything ready for lunch. I was grateful that Raziya bi was here to help me or else Amar would make a fuss. After I was done I took a breath and went to my room after telling Raziya bi to serve them.

I lay on the bed after taking shower to get some relaxation and took my husband's picture in my hand like always.

A smile came to my lips recalling this morning incident, how he comforts me, how he wipes my tears, how he held my hand and took me to the car "What are you doing to me?" I asked tracing my fingers at his picture. "Yesterday, I decided I would try to be away from you but today you took more two-step closer to me breaking my decision" flipping on my stomach I lay his photo frame on the mattress. "And the truth is whatever happening between us I'm liking this. Even though I know you will never accept me and will leave soon, but what if something more strong happens between us and you will remember this time, that you have another wife in you mother's place wherever you go. and will come back to meet me now and then... Like this, I would also get you and you won't lose Sofia baaji also."

I know it was stupid of me to plan everything when I knew my husband. For him being with me will betrayer to sofia baaji. I should stop thinking like this but what will anyone lose if I fantasize about my beautiful future. What will anyone lose if I live happily my current life with only his presence? I was not doing anything wrong to have feelings for him. No matter what, he was my husband and I had every right to think whatever pleases me about him.

I grin on my intentions and went closer to his picture. I never did this. This was the first time I was going to do this. Slowly I place my lips on his... On the photo frame and quickly move back. My cheeks heated up and heartbeat accelerated. A shy smile made their way to my lips. Even though it was a photo frame but I felt electricity ran through my inside.

"Isha" I was startled with the sudden call. Quickly getting up I hide the picture in its usual place.

I went to the door and open it to see Raziya bi was standing.

"Isha, Amar is calling you outside with coffee for him and his friends," she said. I made a face. I didn't want to go to him. Raziya bi probably sees my distasteful face that's why she began explaining "I said I will make it and will bring it but he said he wants your hand made coffee and you will serve him as you didn't serve them lunch so...."

"It's okay Raziya bi. I will make it" I said assuringly and walk toward the kitchen.

After making coffee I put that on the tray before taking them in the garden. Amar and his friends were talking and laughing on something but as Amar saw me he becomes quiet. I was about to go after placing the tray on the table when he ordered me to give them in their hands. I huffed but complied. He stared at me all the while I was giving the coffees to them. I went to Amar at the last holding mug in my hand. He stared at me and held it. His finger brushes my fingers which cause me to let go of the mug in an instant.

"What the f***?*" he shouted. Making me flinched. The mug fell on the ground and some drops on his shoe. "You idiot! Can't you do a simple work properly!" He shouted at me in front of all his friends. I lowered my head.

"Calm down Amar. It was a mistake. Why are you shouting on the poor girl?" His one friend said.

"Yeah... Poor girl! This poor girl knew how to take advantage of kind people! My mother give her love and support that's why she always forgets her place every time!"

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