A (Not so much) Tough Decision

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The next day, Clark found Madine packing her things for school early. One hour early.

"Isn't a little bit early for school, Madine?"

She didn't even look up from where she was in the kitchen, putting her cake on a proper place to carry.

"I have to get there a little earlier today. To set everything up for the party."

"What kind of party is it, anyway?" he asked, moving to the coffee machine so he could also start his day.

"It's a surprise party for one of our favorite teachers, Mrs. Trangia."

He nods, and the two stay in silence even after Madine finishes packing everything and starts to eat the pancakes she made for breakfast.

Finally, after they are finishing with the dishes - Ma had taught her never to leave a mess - she decided to talk about the elephant in the room.

"So... Thought about what you're going to do with Superboy?"

Her voice sounded apprehensive, for some reason. Uncertain. He didn't like that; it didn't suit his fierce and strong daughter. Clark turned to look at her properly.

"Kind of..." he had, honestly.

He spent almost half the time he had to sleep thinking about what to do with the clone and how could he overlook what he was and what he was made for. He still wasn't happy with the decision, but looking at Madine now... He knew it was the right one.

"And?" she pressed, biting her lower lip.

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"I'm gonna call Batman and talk to him about that. And if it's okay... I will bring him home later."

Her eyes lit up at that, what only made him more sure about his decision. If she was that happy, maybe things could work out for him and Superboy in the end.

"That's wonderful!" she cheered while both of them went to the hallway, in the way of their bathrooms. "Please tell me beforehand, though. I want to make something to welcome him properly if he comes today."

He laughed a little. He should've expected that she would act this way. All happy and bouncing and eager to have a brother.

"You bet." he said.

A couple minutes later, he bid her farewell and she went to school. It was still early for him to go do the Planet, and he wasn't much in the mood for being yelled at so soon in the day by Lois or Perry, so he picked up his comm. unit and called Batman.

His gruff voice sounded not much after.


"I need to talk to you," he said without much else. He knew how the Bat was grumpy by day.

"Is it urgent?"

"Kind of... It's about Superboy."

A moment of silence, and then, more slowly, "What about him?"

He sighed. "Can we meet at the Watchtower? I would rather have this conversation personally. And there's a lot to consider and talk about."

Another moment, and he heard Bruce sighing.

"I have an early meeting now. But I'll be free by lunch. We can meet then."

"Ok, it works for me. Call me when you're free and I'll go there."


And without much else, he hung up. Typical Bruce, so Clark wasn't shocked. He look at his clock and realized he still had a lot of time before he needed to go to work, so he decided he should end this soon, and picked up the phone, pressing the numbers to his parents' house in Kansas.

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