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His head hurt. So much he couldn't think. He didn't know where he was. He didn't know who he was. All he had was one feeling: the instinctual urge for survival.

He drifted along the sand, shouting to anyone who crossed his path, fighting anyone who dared to threaten him, in the hopes of shooing them away, far away from him. He needed cover, he needed to hide and survive, but suddenly there were ropes and a lot of people, and no matter how much force he put into it, he could not get free. Then, suddenly, his mind went blank.

And when he opened his eyes, it was too painful, deep and profound, going through his muscles and bones, like electrical cords cutting open his being. He heard screaming, and the feeling of muscles being ripped apart in his throat told him the scream was coming from him. His mind was foggy, and he tried to get free from the things binding him to this strange vertical table, but nothing he did worked, and every time he tried, the pain increased.

He felt, however, something reach him. He didn't know what it was, but there was someone, something there with him. Suffering too... And somehow, that comforted him.

He felt pain for what it felt like most of his life, since he couldn't remember anything before the need for survival arose. And then, the pain stopped. For a moment, he could feel his limbs again, and when he opened his eyes... things were floating around him and there was... someone, right there... He couldn't see it, and then he blinked and he could see the silhouette of her body warmth. It looked like a girl, standing protectively in front of him and... that guy.

He knew, somehow, that guy was responsible for all of this. His rage felt like fuel burning, and then a big sphere thing came running towards him, breaking his chains and setting him free. Finally. He jumped into the guy, who was staring at nothing - the girl, he supposed - very intently. Something stopped him and he was knocked back, close to the girl. And then... A simple touch brought him - or rather, his mind - into a different sight. And he could finally see her.

"You're here!" The girl was green and smiled widely at him. They were floating into the air, and he couldn't understand what was happening.

"You sound so relieved!" The creepy guy was there too, laughing at them. "Is that mindless creature supposed to save your mind?"

"No." She answered, and then her hands were touching each side of his face. "I save his."

And then his mind flooded with images, thoughts, memories that filled his being and made everything make sense. Cadmus... The genomorphs... Robin, Aqualad and Kid Flash helping him out of what would have been a life of slavery through the hands of evil scientists. Batman, Superman rejecting him... Superman accepting him, taking him home to meet his daughter - his twin sister - and the feeling of belonging that surfaced when he got his names, when he met his grandparents, the Kents, and then the missions he went on with his Team... and M'gann... Sweet M'gann who seemed to blush every time he got into the room she was. M'gann who seemed to be as lost about Earth costumes as he was sometimes. M'gann who was eager to please and easy to be around with. M'gann... Who was giving him back his memories.

The flood stopped and he felt so many things at once that he couldn't even begin to understand. But right now, he had other priorities, so he settled to thank her by giving a little incentive to win:

"Kick his butt."


It was a long flight back to the USA. They were all exhausted, but at least knew they had done a good job with what they had. The baddies had been stopped, and they saved Sphere from his fate at the hands of Psimon and Queen Bee.

As soon as they were in the bioship and up in the sky, Robin sent a message to Batman, who opened a channel to the bioship radio not even a minute later.

"Is everyone alright?" Batman's stoic face appeared in the screen, and despite the lack of emotion in his voice and expression, Conner knew he was relieved to see them.

"Yeah. We're all in one piece." Robin answered, a small smile in his lips. "We're on our way to the Cave. ETA is three hours."

"Anyone in need of medical assistance?" he asked.

"I don't think so." Robin said, looking around. "We're just really tired."

Batman just stared for a moment, and then nodded, almost imperceptibly. "See you soon, then."

The screen went black again, and Robin sighed. "He'll want a full detailed report when we get there. And I don't think he's going to be pleased with Psimon erasing our memories... Or with the fact that we're bringing the sphere with us."

That ignited a protective spark in Conner. "But Sphere was being tortured. It was the victim!"

"I know that. But Bats is paranoid. He may accept it in the Cave, but he will probably investigate Sphere's existence deep." He sighed again. "Anyway, I don't want to think about it now. I need a nap before dealing with Batman..."

He got comfortable in his seat, and his heartbeat told Conner he had fallen asleep. He was comfortable in his seat too, Sphere by his side, but he couldn't sleep now. He was too overwhelmed with all the memories from a little more than two months that were all of his life.

He glanced at the main seat, where M'gann sat, her hands on the controls, although he was pretty sure the ship was on autopilot. She seemed lost in thoughts, and despite the fact he wanted to... talk to her, he gave her some space. There would be time for that later. Hopefully.

When they arrived at the Cave, all their mentors were there, including Black Canary and Red Tornado. They exited the bioship slowly, and when Sphere got out too, Conner could see the startled stare of the heroes. Well, Batman looked suspicious, but he thought that was normal.

"Are you alright, son?" Suddenly Superman was in front of him, analyzing him and frowning at his lack of a shirt.

"Yeah... Just really tired." He answered truthfully. He may be half kryptonian, but he was exhausted. Perhaps not physically speaking, not entirely, but mentally. His mind had been through a ride bigger than anything in the last 36 hours. He needed some time to recover.

"We're going home soon." His father said, accepting his answer. "Someone is worried sick about you. I barely could contain her from coming with me now."

It took him a moment to realize that his father had spoken that in a very low tone, meant only for him. He smiled.

"I can only imagine..."

He noticed the other mentors were all on their protégés too, talking quietly, making sure they were okay. He saw Batman give a little squeeze on Robin's shoulder, and he remembered when Madine said they were almost like father and son, and how deeply Batman cared about his Robin. He smiled a little at the small display of affection. And then, Batman turned to the big group, speaking a little louder.

"You can all benefit from a good night of sleep. Go to your homes and rest. I'll debrief you all tomorrow afternoon." He said, turning to leave, Robin hot on his heels.

Everyone let out a collective sigh of relief, and then Superman ushered his son to go too. Conner stopped only a moment to thank M'gann properly, hugging her. She looked surprised.

"Thanks." He said quietly.

"You're welcome..." She answered, blushing strongly. "See you tomorrow, Conner."

"See you."

He walked to the zeta tubes, Sphere by his side, and then: "You need to stay here. I'll come back tomorrow."

Somehow, Conner knew the sphere wasn't very happy about this.

"I promise." He said. "I'll come back tomorrow."

It made a surprisingly unhappy sound, but went to a little corner of the room and stayed there. Conner smiled slightly, and turned to see his father looking very surprised at him.

"Come on, before Madine comes to find us." He said, making his father laugh.

"Good idea."

And together they stepped into the tubes, the monotone computer voice following them.

Recognized: Superman; zero-one. Superboy; B-zero-four.

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