Independence Day

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When they arrived at Mount Justice later that Saturday, Conner felt a little nervous. The little talk he had with Madine before getting there was good and nice, but... He still didn't know what Batman was going to say about him.

Clark being there, though... It helped ease his nerves. He wouldn't let anything bad happen to him... right?

"Supey!" he heard someone shouting, and then there was a blur, and Kid Flash was in front of him, in civil clothes. "It's me, Kid Flash!"

"I figured it." he said a little dazed.

"We just got here too." he said, a little boy with raven hair appearing by his side, with sunglasses and a hoodie and a smirk on his lips.

Conner frowned.


"Yep!" the boy confirmed. "Nice seeing you two together."

He pointed to Superman beside him, and Conner couldn't help but smile a little.

"Yeah." Kid Flash agreed.

"Someone put some sense into me when I got home on the fourth." Superman admitted.

Robin cackled.

"Oh, nice one."

Kid Flash seemed lost, and it took Conner a few seconds to understand. And then, to Clark: "He knows?!"

"Yep." Robin said, a wild grin on his face.

Suddenly he and Robin had a small internal joke that Kid Flash was not pleased about.

"Hey, what you guys are talking about?" he whined.

Robin only cackled again, and Conner couldn't help but giggle. Superman excused himself and went to Batman, who was at a holographic monitor a few feet away, talking with a few other adult heroes.

"Where's Aqualad?" Conner interrupted Kid's whine to ask.

"Aquaman was showing him around." answered Robin. "They should be back any minute. Now that everyone's here, Batman is probably gonna start talking very soon."

He nodded, and soon enough, Aquaman and Aqualad were there, and Batman started talking.

What he said wasn't what Conner expected at all, but he was really happy it was happening. It was amazing, wonderful, incredible. It made him feel independent and powerful, and honestly... he couldn't wait to tell Madine.


"And then, Martian Manhunter just appeared, with his niece, Miss Martian. She'll be on the team too." Conner was saying over a late dinner with Madine.

As soon as the team was formed and the rules were explained, the League had a meeting, from which Clark hadn't come yet, so when the others started going to their homes, he did it too, and Madine insisted they had pizza to celebrate the new Team and Conner's 'hero independence', as she was saying.

"Uh, so it's four boys and a girl. Nice." she hummed. "What's she like?"

Conner shrugged, not really sure of what to say.

"Nice, I think. She blushes a lot, even though she's green."

Madine laughed.

"So, Robin knows about you?" he asked, remembering the knowing look on Robin's face (even if Conner didn't saw his eyes) when Clark mentioned having someone putting sense into him.

Madine nodded, a devious smile on her lips.

"Oh, yeah. He figured it out, like, less then a month after he became Batman's protégé." she laughed. "It was funny. He and I went on several fun things together. I miss that little troll."

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