Chapter 2 ~ Heated

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I walked out of the change room to find Milten sat on the bench a few feet away. The setting sun provided a soft silhouette of his tense stature. I admired his boyish look. It reminded me of the first time we met. Start of the season, three years ago. He kicked a goal, and I watched while everyone clapped. At the time I was angered by the new competition, but now, older and more advanced, I couldn't ask for a better rival.

"Maximillian! My boy! What's up?" I sarcastically feigned excitement at having to talk to him. God this was going to be difficult.

"My name has never been Maximillian, James. It's just Max, thank you." He replied, already upset at me. His irritability was evident in the lines between his dark brows.

I suppose we were on a first name basis now. This had to stop, it was going to ruin all the fun for me if we became friends.

"Okay. Max,"

He stared back at me silently, cold eyes into mine.

I diverted my eyes to his lips again, trying to ease off the nerves that were creeping up on me.

Milten hopped off the table in one swift movement, and suddenly we were standing face to face. He was in my personal space. I kept my eyes focused on his neck.


My eyes snapped up.

"That's Kendrick to you, Maximillian." I marvelled in his annoyed expression.

Milten stepped away and started to speak.

"We both know the teams are going to start training together this season. And we're both captains, and the strongest members. Look, I would rather not create conflict while we're going to be working so closely together so I think we should stick to some sort of... peace treaty."

"That seems fair," I took a step closer "But I'm sensing an ulterior motive. Is this just an easy way for you to feel like you don't have to one-up me all the time?"

"That's not..." His words trailed off mid sentence and he looked over at the field.

"Come on, Milten. I mean you could just try harder. I guess you're already one step ahead of me with your mama's boy act huh," I added spitefully, lazily grazing my eyes over him again.

"Fuck off. And seriously stop looking at me like that."

"I don't know what you're talking about." He raised his eyebrow ever so slightly, I smirked.

"I'll take you up on your deal. I won't talk to you, and we'll play nice during training."

He nodded "Good. Thanks."

I noticed how close I was to him; I must have moved quite a lot during our 'negotiation'.

He looked so soft in the warm evening glow. If only he knew what he was doing to me. His freshly washed skin gleamed in the light of golden hour and I had to remind myself that he was my competition. There was no point in trying. While they may not try to be, pretty boys are players- that make my life harder than it should be.

"My mum's picking me up, I'll see you around." Max grabbed his duffle off the seat and sent me a subtle nod.

"Yeah," I was about to head off in my own direction, when smack. Something hit me and I stumbled backwards. The warmth of hands on my back and apple-scented shampoo shocked me.

"Shit, sorry, umm I wasn't paying attention..."

I didn't give a shit. Max Milten had his arms wrapped around me, and I was speechless... His lips were at my eye level, and when I looked up I saw his darkened eyes flicker over my face.

Something happened there. We both knew it.

Milten let go of me, his mouth titled down in an apologetic frown, but he was seemingly in some sort of deep thought.

He shook his head, as if to wake himself up.

"Uh, yeah I'll go now," Milten gestured in his direction but didn't exactly move, and I could hear the nerves in his voice.

"Max- " I started.

"I've got to meet my mum." He stated, looking down at his phone intensely. He walked off without another word.

I began to make my way home after a long sigh. Was what just happened all in my head? For a second there, I really thought he was going to kiss me. The thought messed with my emotions for the whole bus ride back home.

By the time I had gotten home, I decided that I should just let it go. I needed to focus on training. Max's team was climbing the ranks, and while the finals were months away, they were my priority.

That night I dreamt of Max. We were in the changerooms again, and his skin was wet from the shower, water dripped from his hair down his bare chest and onto his tight stomach. His dark green eyes locked onto mine as our conversation became a heated argument, then he pushed my bare back aggressively against the cold tiled wall, and then we were kissing desperately. My hard-on grew in my dream as we rubbed our bodies against each other and Max moaned gently into the kiss.

My eyes snapped open with a smile on my face, which dropped when I realised what I had dreamt about, and I looked down to find myself hard. I wiped my hand over my eyes in frustration, trying not ro cry. I hadn't had a dream like that in a long time, I wasn't fucking fourteen anymore. But why did it have to be Milten?

He was easily the hottest person I had ever seen, sure, but I guess I had never thought about hooking up with him until yesterday, our first time really talking to each other, alone.

My hard-on wasn't going anywhere so I reluctantly leaned back against my pillows and gave in to my desires, remembering the dream and throwing my head back as I stroked myself to a climax, faster than usual.


I just did that... thinking about him, my rival. 

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