The End

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James' POV

After two weeks of spring break, training started up again on Friday evenings. My team was from four to five thirty, and the Blues from five thirty to seven. Though we shared an oval for training, I managed to steer clear of Milten for a month or so.

I vaguely explained to my mum what happened. She was being as supportive as she could and I was slowly feeling better. I took out my frustration with myself on the field and poured it into my studying.

I spilled out the whole story to Nic and Cole in the change rooms at a practice session two weeks after the formal. I told them all the details about what happened between me and Max. They reassured and comforted me about it. That was all they could do.

It was in the second week of Friday evening sessions, when Coach called off practise 20 minutes early as a reward for being 'the best soccer kids ever' in his words. Everyone else had gone home without showers, but I had to wait for the bus.

Pretty boy Milten emerged from the change rooms, 15 minutes early for practise. He caught my eye, and I panicked. Shit.

"Kendrick!" Max shouted out, making his way over to me. I turned off my phone, set it to the side.

"I haven't seen you since..."

" Since we hooked up." I finished for him. He looked off to the side.

"I never thought it would happen. The way you looked at me that night, the way you initiated it. I take the blame for seducing you, for letting it happen, for letting you screw me over." I ended my pathetic monologue and pushed myself off the bench to walk away from him.

His hand reached for my thigh to stop me from leaving. I sat back down and waited for him to say something.

" James... Don't go. I started it. I was trying to get over someone else- I'm sorry. In the back of my mind, I had wanted you for a long time, but we were competing, and there was this other guy... "

Max's POV

"James... Don't go. I started it. I was trying to get over someone else- I'm sorry. In the back of my mind, I had wanted you for a long time, but we were competing, and there was this other guy... "

Once I started confessing, I couldn't stop.

"So nothing has changed then?"

I kept a light pressure on his thigh with my hand, keeping him where he was.

At my mention of Jake Bradfield, I could sense James' frustration, it was written on his face with the line between his perfect brows.

"No, I mean... I guess I lost my grip on myself that night, because I fucking wanted you, and it hit me after. It wasn't a mistake. It wasn't. I was just overwhelmed. I'm sorry I made you feel ashamed,"

His forgiveness was all I needed. If nothing happened today, at least I could know that I had tried.

I took a deep breath in.

"And I really like you. A lot." I blurted.

A weight on my shoulders lifted as a smile crept upon James' pretty boy face.

"Fuck... I feel so relieved. I don't know what to say... Max, what happens now?" He asked.

I pulled him in for a kiss that ended the novel of our love story; and started writing the next.

Author's note:
Dear beautiful wattpad readers,
Our journey with Max and James ends here. OR DOES IT?


Thank you so much for reading Soccer, from the depths of my heart.
I wrote it for fun and wanted to share it it in the hopes that someone could enjoy it as much as I found joy in writing it.
Thank you so so so much for all the support, votes and comments 💕💕💕

Let me know what you thought about Soccer and if you want to give me any (polite) critical feedback please go for it!! What did you think of the ending? How to do think Max and James' relationships will go from here?? I really want to know your thoughts :)

Seriously thank you so much for your support, comments, votes and reads since I posted Soccer. I can not say thank you enough for that ❤❤❤

if you wanna chat with me my insta is in my bio, send me a dm telling me ur a reader xxx

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