Chapter 3 ~ Training Together

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When I found out that we were going to be training with the Red team during the off-season, I knew I had to lay some ground rules. My team trash-talked about Kendrick's like they were the popular kids at school that no one liked.

I was no saint, if anything, I was the Devil's advocate. I encouraged my team to be shitty off the field, because truthfully- I was a sore loser. The last four years it was always Kendrick's team against mine. They lost the first match we played. I remember when I was celebrating with my best friends, Ken and Sammy in the changerooms after the game, the first professional, serious match we played. We were over excited little grade eight kids... and I was genuinely so confused by James'- no, Kendrick's behaviour towards me after.

I never really disliked the guy. I hated that his pretty face looked more handsome every year, his jawline more pronounced, his collarbones always exposed and gleaming in his oversized jersey, how his body had become lean and his movements on the field sharper- sharper than mine.

I had been channelling my distant desperation and admiration for Kendrick into my games for years. I had grown fast and my reflexes were on point. There was a reason I was front and centre on the field- and the designated captain.

The conflict in my mind at the thought of training with the boy that made me realise I liked guys sent a rush of adrenaline coursing through my veins. My heartbeat quickened.

Somehow I managed to get through the first practice session. The team held it together, but I caught their bitchy eyebrow raises and smug expressions, silently making fun of the red team. I caught Kendrick's triumphant smirk and I caught his dirty wink too.

I pulled them in for a chat after the game.

Looking around at their red faces and disheartened frowns, I announced "Look, guys. I hate to say it but we can be disqualified from the next regionals if we play dirty on field or off field at training. Scouts aren't gonna want us, and our reputation will turn to shit if we fuck up with the Red team. I'm going to talk with their captain, Kendrick - he's their centre fielder, to make sure there is no nastiness going on. The coaches are watching, scouts are watching, they're testing us. So take one for the team and be fucking respectable... Or be discreet. Does anyone have any objections?"

Everyone looked to their friends and nodded in agreement.

"Great practice guys. We may not have won that little match, but I'm proud of you all anyway. Hit the showers everyone." I stated, ending the impromptu meeting. The guys chatted casually, and sounded relieved to have ended the session.

Coach Mac sent a friendly wink in my direction, and Coach Andrews nodded approvingly in my direction.

I grabbed my gear off the side bench and made my way to the change rooms.

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