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Lacey Paxton

Colt peels off from the group, heading in the direction of Iris' office as you and Ace walk in strangled silence towards Hunters, but when Ace reaches for your hand, lacing his warm fingers with yours, a little of your confidence is renewed..

The fact that he really doesn't seem to have a problem with people here seeing you together, kind of makes your skin tingle excitedly.. You have no idea what kind of reaction you should be preparing yourself for as you grow closer to Hunter's slightly ajar office door and you can hear Kirby's familiar, gentle voice drifting from the other side.. "You need to calm down, Viking.. I know you're upset, but you can't punish her forever.. Or me.. Please, Hunter.."

Your brother's low, icy reply to her has you hesitating as you lift a hand to knock.. "I'm not trying to punish her, Kirby.. Or you.. I just feel like a fucking idiot.. Obviously she doesn't really want me to have anything to do with her life.. So what am I supposed to do, huh? She wanted fucking space or whatever, so.. I mean, shit.. I'm giving it to her.."

You wince.. Turning to Ace, your pulse skittering behind your eyes, fast becoming a headache and for a few seconds you seriously contemplate running away.. "Maybe we should come back later, or--"

Ace smiles at you in a kind, knowing way before he brings the back of your hand to his soft warm lips and your heart does a little arrhythmic jig in your chest.. "Remember to breathe, Baby-doll.."

He releases your hand from his, lifting it to rap sharply on the door twice before he pushes it open to stride into Hunter's office with all the confidence in the world..

You scuttle in behind him to see your brother sitting at his desk, dark circles beneath his eyes and his hair mussed to one side.. The sleeves of his white button down rolled up to his elbows, which are propped up on his desk top, exposing his navy ink Marine tattoos..

Kirby, in her smart grey pencil skirt and blazer, is perched beside him on the edge of the desk, her amber eyes all puffy and red, as though she has been crying.. She hops to her feet in a hurry, collecting her handbag before she pecks Hunter's cheek, tuning back to smile at you.. "I have to get back to work, I'll see you at home, Viking.. Call me later, Lacey?.."

You nod, smiling weakly to each other before she leaves the room, closing the door behind her leaving you alone to face the music..

As Hunter's reserved gaze passes briefly over Ace to fall on you, a guilty knot twists itself tighter in your belly.. To know Kirby and he had been fighting because of you is a brutal blow to your sense of shame..

But your brothers fixed, blank expression gives nothing away as you shift your weight nervously from side to side, waiting for him to say something.. Anything.. "Lacey.. Have a seat, Baby-girl.."

He speaks softly, nodding to the chair opposite his desk and already he has taken the upper hand with his completely unexpected attitude.. You move obediently to sit anxiously on the edge of your seat as he turns his irritated grey gaze on Ace.. "You right, Greyson?.."

Ace nods once stiffly.. "Yut.. I appreciate you handling negotiations, Boss.."

Hunter narrows his eyes on him suspiciously.. "I didn't.."

Ace frowns in honest confusion.. "Iris said--"

Hunter holds up a hand with a snarl.. "Ughh.. Don't say her fucking name.."

Ace shrugs.. "It was my understanding you handled my release, Sir.."

Hunter leans back in his chair, assessing Ace with a stony glare.. "I was working on it.. But somebody beat me to it.. Which begs the question.. How DID you get out, Grey?.. I know you didn't pay em.. But maybe there was an opportunity to trade Intel to the Strysaks, or Rafferty to get yourself out of there?"

Leather & Lace- THE SPECTER SERIES [book five]Where stories live. Discover now