part 24

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Time skips 👣👣👣👣

Two years later.

A lot of things changed in these 2 years.

Jungkook is now doing his MBA. In 1 and a half year, he can come back to Seoul. Jungkook wanted Tae to come to him. But within one year after Jungkook came to London, Tae's mother (
Suddenly got a road accident. Her whole body and specially her head was badly injured. She fought with death for 7 months in hospital. She died.

Tae finished his third year. Now running his final year. After his Eomma died, he got so sick that he had to stay in hospital for 10 days. He was super weak.

He requested everyone to not tell anything to not tell Jungkook about his sickness because it was Jungkook's final year.

In Tae's request,no one told Jungkook about Tae's sickness. Jungkook wanted to come after Tae's Eomma died but Tae forbidded him. But Jungkook always called them. Every single day. Jungkook was really restless when Tae's Eomma died. When Tae forbid him to come he said everyone to take good care of him. Jungkook also said his parents to call Tae often .

It will be almost 1 year since Tae's Eomma died but he still can't get over it

After Jungkook left. Tae became silent. And now,after his Eomma died, he doesn't even talk to anyone that much. He stays quite all-time. If Jungkook calls:
He talks to Jungkook a lot.
If his Hyungs ask something,he answers but never question back. Mrs JEON came to Seoul and lived with Tae for sometimes. After his mom's accident. All treatment was happening in Seoul.

Tae goes to graveyard every afternoon.
Jungkook told him a lot of times to go to him but Tae didn't agreed.

Rm Suga and J-Hope opened a music production company. Jin,Jimin and Tae are also partners. Even if Jin and Jimin can give time to it,Tae can't because he has his studies.

Tae can't go there much because he has classes but the members told him to only come After university. They don't want Tae to be alone. Everyone love him a lot.

Tae study hard because his Eomma wanted him to study hard. He is always top 3 in exams. Tae always tries to stay normal. But his hyungs understand him

There isn't a night where Tae didn't cried for Jungkook. The most times Tae talks to Jungkook in facetime. He tries to stay as normal as possible.

"Life is beautiful. Living is even more beautiful. But still sometimes. PAIN makes our lives harder. But still LIFE GOES ON. "

Their times was passing like this.

In an afternoon. Tae was coming back from his mother's graveyard. And suddenly a car stopped by him. Tae chuckled. After a moment, a person got out from the car and said:


Tae looked at that person for sometimes and then said:

Oh Hyung.

: Hey!! How are you. After longtime. By the way what are you doing here.

Tae: I was going home. How are you Hyung?

:I'm really good now. Did you came alone.

Tae: I went to the graveyard.

Tae was silent for sometimes. Then said:

Umm maybe you know that my Eomma died???

:Oh sorry to hear this. But I didn't knew. Actually I couldn't talk to anyone for a long time. And I don't even live here. I shifted in America. I do a job in a multinational company . I came to Seoul two days ago.

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