Chapter 72 ~ A Well Deserved Reward

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I am currently in heaven.

A rest well deserved for my efforts up to this day... It's time for me to relax, surrounded by beautiful angels who would feed me sweets of the highest quality as I listen to their bell-like giggles.

Ah~ There's no other way I'd like to spend my time after that nervewracking announcement~!

"Risa-sama~ Here~ Please try this~ It's very delicious~!"

Yes~ Everything from your fingers would definitely be very delicious, Evelyn~!

"Hey, you've got a crumb on the corner of your lips! Here, I'll get it for you. Goodness..."

Thank you for your tsundere-ness, Celine~ Ehehehe~

"Risa-chan! Eat this too! Here, aaaaaaahm~!"

Oh my~ Valerie-chan~ Thank you~ Mmn~ Your cuteness makes it even more delicious~

"Alterisa-sama, please eat slowly~"

Yes~ Ufufufu, thank you, Noir~

"A-Alterisa-sama, would you like more tea?"

Ah~ How thoughtful of you, Illya~ You're really an angel~!

"Fufufu~ She's like a harem king~"

Lost in the blissfulness of being pampered by these angels, I didn't hear what Lily muttered, but since she's giggling, it must be good~

Before coming here, I thought Evelyn and the others would talk about my engagement with the crown prince. After all, it is quite the big deal, especially since it is announced on the grand ball of the Kingdom's Founding Festival.

But contrary to my expectations, none of them said a word about it. Instead, they're all sticking to me and began pampering me like this~!

Ah~ I'm so blessed to have such considerate friends~ They know I'm tired, so they're trying to cheer me up and let me rest after such a long day.

"Ufufufu~ You look so happy, Risa-chan~"

"Of course~ I'm here with everyone eating sweets and having fun, after all~ I'm very happy~!"




Ufufufu~ They're all so cute~ Evelyn beaming an onee-sama smile like that, Celine being the tsundere that she is, and Valerie-chan giggling happily.

Ah, Noir and Illya are also being so cute, fidgeting in their seats~

"I see~ Ufufufu~ Ah, by the way, there's something I'd like to ask you."

"Hm? What is it?"

"What are your plans after the Kingdom's Founding Festival? You have finished all your lessons, so will you be spending your time training with Sir Raeven and Lady Magus?"

Immediately after Lily finished her question, all the girls turned to me, stopped anything they're doing, and stared at me.

W-Wha- Why am I suddenly the center of attention?

And with them staring at me like that, I can't help but feel nervous for some reason.

"Uhm, well... My shop where I'll be selling the shampoo and conditioner will be open in a few months, so I think I'll be very busy with that..."

Dad had obtained a patent of the highest level in the form of a royal decree for my shampoo and conditioner a week ago. This means all attempts on replicating its method of production would be severely punished by law now.

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