Chapter 1 ~ A New Life

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Argh... What's happening?

I feel sluggish and I can't move my body well. Wait, why can I hear a baby crying? Ah, it's so loud too!

Shut up!


Wait... It's coming from me?!

Surprised, I wanted to open my eyes quickly, but because I still wasn't able to move as I wanted, I ended up opening it slowly.

"Congratulations, my lady! It's a beautiful girl!"

I AM a girl! I know I look a bit androgynous but come on!

No, wait...

W-Why's my body so small? I'm so small that this teen maid can carry me!

The maid handed me over carefully to the woman on the bed.

Wow... She's really beautiful. Her long purple hair looked so smooth and glistening. Her face is really beautiful. And her eyes are deep purple.

What an unusual eye color. But it's still really beautiful. Ah, her smile is so radiant! S-She's the most beautiful person I've ever seen!

Is she a goddess? Oh, then this should be heaven right? I think I died because of an accident and since there's such a beautiful goddess here, I'm positive that I'm in heaven.

"Huhuhu, hello there beautiful. I'm your mother. Nice to meet you."

Hehe, seeing her trying to talk cutely like that is really cute. Hah... So she's very beautiful, sexy and also cute huh...


...Hold up. Did she just say she's my mom?! C-Come to think of it, my arms and legs are so short. D-Did I got reincarnated as a baby?!

Suddenly, a large bang could be heard.



"Altair-sama, Lucas-sama, please calm down."

"Huhuhu, calm down both of you. Come here and look at her. She's beautiful!"

The man and little boy run over quickly to my mom's side in a panic.

Hm, 'my dear'? Ah, since she's my mom, I'm assuming he's my dad right? He has silver hair and deep blue eyes.

And the other one... he looks about three. Is he my brother?

Uwooh, he's also really handsome! What's with this line up of beauties? I-It's too shiny!

"Look, here's our baby. Beautiful isn't she?"

"Ah, she is just like you. Hello there my beautiful little angel, I'm your father. Nice to meet you."

No, you guys are the beautiful ones. Like... come on. Are you guys freaking top models? No, you must be right? Wait... I think I've seen them before though.

I look towards my brother and realised he was also staring at me. It was as if he was trying to remember something.

"Hello, I'm your big brother~"

Hm strange, I feel so comfortable around him. Well~ Let's just smile and laugh.

"Ah, look mom, she's laughing!"

"Ara~ my daughter is such a cute child. What should we name her, dear?"

"Hm, how about Alterisa?! It's the combination of my and your name."

"Hehe that's a very nice name. Then once again, it's nice to meet you, Alterisa."

Suddenly, I got swept with incredible sleepiness right after they gave me my new name.

The Tomboy "Prince" Was Reincarnated as a Villainess in an Otome Game!Where stories live. Discover now