Chapter 109 ~ More Headaches Incoming...

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A few weeks have passed since Wilhelm gave me and Valerie-chan our "assignments" from Lawliela-sama.

And aside from us doing her work for he- I mean... helping her, and giving them back to Wilhelm to send to Lawliela-sama, nothing's been happening... Surprisingly.

Aria's been... suspiciously silent...

She's still glaring at me every chance she got, enough that I've gotten used to it. But other than that, she never did anything...

I was ready and waiting for her to try and frame me. I've developed an ice spell to create a super soft bed of snow to catch her if she tried framing me for pushing her off the stairs.

I've also practiced catching someone if she ever bumped into me and framed me for purposefully pushing her. Apparently, I've gotten really good at it thanks to the feedback the girls have been giving me. Fufu~ They're helped me a lot by becoming my practice partner. They're super enthusiastic too, for some reason. What good girls they are~

Other than that, I've also been asking Alexus, Lu-nii, Keith, Luke, and even Wilhelm if they've been approached by Aria.

After all, they're the capture targets of the otome game who Aria is targeting. And I need to know which route and which even she's currently on so I can prepare for them before the next one happens!

But... nothing really happened to them as well. Alexus avoided her like the plague, and when he was caught by her, he'd immediately made an excuse to go to the student council room for work.

Lu-nii smartly avoided going through any of the places where his event would happen thanks to the list Lily had given him. And even when he had no choice and saw the heroine waiting to ambush him, he'd stealth away and erase his presence.

Luke just run away the moment she tried to approach him. And with his speed, there's no way the frail Aria who never exercised in her life could keep up. Moreover, Luke's really fast. If he's second in terms of speed, then the only one who could claim to be the fastest is me~ So there's no way the heroine could catch him.

As for Keith... Well, it seems like he's been approached the most by the heroine. Unlike the other guys, he is the one who sucks the most at avoiding girls because he's overly polite and gentlemanly to them. It's weird to say that about Keith, the playboy of "Lovely Happenings", but it's the fact.

Even then, it seems like he always has an excuse to not go along with any of Aria's shenanigans.

Fumu. As expected of the heir of a ducal household. He's good at making excuses, just like the politicians in my previous life.

And lastly, Wilhelm... Honestly, I didn't expect much of him. I mean... he's always in his lab. The only time I've ever seen him out of it is when he comes to give Valerie-chan and I "assignments" from Lawliela-sama. Which is why, I've heard the least stories about his encounter with Aria from him.

The only encounter he ever had was when he returned after giving us the assignment from Lawliela-sama. He got ambushed by Aria, who was waiting on him near his lab. Since then, he's apparently been concealing his presence with magic whenever he goes anywhere.

Well, thanks to that, I've been leading a pretty peaceful life, so I'm really grateful.

I can finally be free from my headache... at least for now...

"The spring festival holiday is coming soon. But do not relax just yet! Remember, you will have your mid-semester exams in two weeks before you can enjoy your holiday! Keep your mind sharp and train your body for the upcoming exam! Live up to your status as a student of Lavinia Academy!"

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