Chapter 49

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It turned out that the officer was speaking on his bluetooth to someone else. I had a whole mental breakdown at his words right there infront of everybody. One of the nurses tried to sedate me because I was in hysterics and needed treatment for my wounds as well. But I refused. I couldn't stay unconscious while Stefan was fighting for his life.

They treated my wounds once we reached at the hospital and now we are waiting for Stefan's operation to be over.

"He will be okay Jess", Leo holds my hand. "Don't worry. I know he will be okay."

"It was supposed to be me in there", I cry. "Not him. I want him to be okay Leo. I have to apologize so much to him. He was doing all these things to protect and I kept humiliating him."

"Hush now", he hugs me. "He will be fine. He loves you Jess and this is why you are not on the operating table right now."

I love him so much as well and to think that he is going through all that pain because of me hurts me badly. Once his operation is over, they shift him into a room but the doctor says that he is still too weak to wake up. He has a few wires on his body, linked to a few machines. There's a wide bandage just over the left side on his chest just where the bullet had hit him.

"The bullet had luckily nearly missed his heart", the doctor says as he checks Stefan's report card. "It will take time to heal but rest assure that he will be okay."

"Thank you so much doctor", Ciara says in a weak tone.

The doctor gives her a small nod with a gentle smile. "We just need him to wake up now so that depending on him we can assess how fast he will recover by the response to his treatment. Miss Cullen, tomorrow morning, do remember to change your dressing. You will have a nurse waiting for you at exactly eight."

"Thank you doctor", I utter, gratefully.

"Jess", Ciara calls out. "Will you like to change your clothes? I am going to see Liam. Mary had called. He is crying a lot."

"No Ciara", I look at Stefan. "I will stay with Stefan."

"You need to change Jess and you need some rest as well", Leo scolds me in a gentle tone. "Liam needs you as well. Just go with Ciara. I'll stay with Stef in the meantime."

"Jess, how about I bring your clothes here?", Ciara offers when she sees the reluctance on my face. "I'll make sure Liam sleeps before coming."

I don't think that I will be able to change here. Ever since the incidence at Stefan's place with Cara recording me, I have become extremely paranoid about my surrounding. I don't use any public places to change or even use any public restroom. Leo's and Ciara's place are my only comfort honestly.

"Just go home and change honey", Leo states, clearly understanding the turmoil going within me. "I promise to stay be his side and if anything happens, I'll call you immediately. It won't take too much time, I promise."

"No, it's okay", I say after taking a deep breathe. "It's okay Leo. I can change here. I don't want to leave him. You can bring my clothes here Ciara."

"Of course", she gives my shoulder a reassuring squeeze before leaving.

"I know you are paranoid about changing clothes in strange places Jess", Leo states. "Then why are you putting yourself through this?"

"Stefan took a bullet for me Leo", I cry and hold his hand while he breathes through the tubes. "The least I can do is stay by his side. And my paranoia is nothing compared to what he has done for me."

Leo wraps his arm around my shoulder and kisses my head. "He will be okay."

The doctor has said that it might take a few days for Stefan to open his eyes because he has lost too much blood and the injury is almost close to his heart. It's already been a while since Ciara has left and Leo is dozing on the spare sofa in the room. Poor man looks so tired and drained. Ana was right. I am indeed lucky to have Leo and Stefan.

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