Chapter 50

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I tense at his question and pull back to look at him. Was I being too obvious about this?

"I'm sorry", I mumble.

"Don't apologize when it's not your fault", he lifts my chin slightly for me to look at him. "Shit. It's all my freaking fault. I owe you way too much apology and I'll keep apologizing for it until the day I die. The words I said in anger when Liam had called you mother the first time.....God, I am so sorry. I know it has hurt you terribly and I have been noticing how your eyes light up when he calls you but you hold yourself back and it's all because of me."

"It's okay", my voice cracks as I try not to cry. "You were angry because I was careless. But yeah, those words did hurt. It still does. I just don't respond because I don't want to get Liam's hopes up and I don't want to get attach too much with the idea of being his mother. What if one day you say...."

"Hey", he interrupts me. "You are stuck with us for lifetime and there is no way Liam or I can live without you. My little boy knows what he is doing when he calls you mom. I promise to never say those horrible words to you again. I'm so sorry."

"You are making me cry", I am on full mode crying now.

"I'm sorry", he murmurs, apologetically again and envelops me in his arms where I keep crying in the most ugly way. "I love you Jess. So freaking much and it hurts me as well when I think how rudely I spoke to you."

"I love you too", I sniff and hiccup. "And I love Liam so much. I promise to never be careless with him."

"Hush now", he kisses my hair and pulls me gently back by holding my shoulders. He wipes my tears away and leans down, closer to my lips.

"Thank you for giving another chance"

Two days later, Stefan gets the green signal to go home and he holds my hand instantly when we are about to leave the hospital. He looks so stressed for some reason.

"You are coming back to stay with us, right?"

"You have to ask me nicely first", I say, teasingly.

"Come back to me please", his utters in a hoarse tone as his face changes. He almost looks ready to beg.

"I am coming back", I assure him a kiss and add just to make him smile. "Don't start crying now."

"I was already ready to kidnap you if you had refused", he grins.

"Oh kinky", I nudge him with my shoulder. "I knew you were a stalker at heart for me the first time you asked me to work for you."

"Only for you", he laughs and pulls me flush against him. "That was the best decision I had ever made in my whole life."

"Please", I hook my hands around his neck. "You have to thank Liam for it. He found me first."

"He did", his gaze twinkles with joy and he leans down and adds, sliding his hands down my lower back, "For the kinky part, I can show how much kinky I can get for you once we get home"

"I see you are much very excited even after getting shot Mr Saviour", Leo's voice causes me to jump slightly back.

"But let me remind you that you both have a child waiting for you two to go back home. Y'all can continue your activities at home and Jess honey, please call me when you reach there safely."

"I will Leo", I say, trying yet again to reign in my blush. "Thank you for waiting for us."

"I'll see you tomorrow. Take care Stefan", he winks at me before leaving.

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