Chapter 27

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The door opens and Stefan saunters inside with a plate and a mug in his hands.

"Nutella sandwich and hot milk", he says with a smile.

I smile when he places the plate on the table. It's my favorite.

"Thank you so much", I look at him in awe. He's being so caring. He has already removed his jacket and his shirt's sleeves are rolled up till his elbows. The sight of him like this literally gets me weak in my knees. Thank God I'm sitting. He looks so hot, I might actually drool.

"You're drooling", he smirks.

Oh shit! Am I? My eyes widen and I touch my lips instantly. There's nothing. I look at him and find him grinning.

"For the sandwich", I say quickly and taking one, I take a big bite.

"Or for me", he teases and tuck a piece of hair behind my ear.

I end up choking and he quickly makes me drink the milk while patting my back.

"You're so awkward", he laughs. "I love it. It's so cute."

"So funny", I grumble and take another bite of the sandwich. The chocolate goodness soon makes me forget about what just happened and I give Stefan a smile.

"Thank you for these."

"Anything for you", he says instantly, causing my heart to miss a beat. Did he really just say that?

I keep on staring at him and suddenly notices his cheeks turning pink slightly.

Stefan is blushing?!

"Uhh", he says awkwardly. "So where do we start?"

"From here" I sign and point towards my book. I hate doing assignments so much.

"We'll make it don't worry", he says, with a promice lace in his voice. I try to get up so he can take my place, but he gives my shoulder a slight push, making me sit down again.

"I'll get another"

I keep on eating my sandwich. My eyes roll back at the taste of nutella. It's been a while since I ate this. It's so good. Stefan has made three sandwiches. I can't finish all of them.  Maybe there's for him as well.

I'm taking another bite when I feel a soft warm blanket being wrap around me. I turn my head and meet the softest blue eyes I can imagine.

Stefan places his chair besides me, making sure that when he sits, his arm will atleast be touching mine.

"When you're done eating, we'll start", he says and leans back in his chair. I shake my head instantly.

"We'll waste time. We have to start right now", I say and add thoughtfullly, "Stefan you just returned home. Don't you want to rest? I know you must be tired from the flight. It's really fine. I'll try to manage on my own."

My palm still feel like it's burning but I can push through the pain, I know I can do it. I really don't want to bother him. He should rest.

"I want to help" he replies and turning toward me, he cups my right cheek in his palm. "Let me. Please. You take care of Liam so much. It's the least I can do for you."

"Okay", I smile. "By the way you can eat your sandwich too."

"It's all yours", he chuckles.

"You made three big sandwiches only for me?", my eyes widen.

"Yeah", he nods, amusement shining in his eyes. I stare at him, waiting if there's judgement but there's none.

"Wow thank you", I keep on eating. "Guess I look really starved."

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