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Aleric moved quickly through the crowd, no one dared to make it difficult to pass as they moved away in respect for their king. His long legs helped him reach the door moments after Erica had.

He could see her delicate figure as she dashed to the edge of the terrace. She had momentarily stopped to regain her composure.

Aleric slowly pushed down the handle and cautiously made his way towards her.

His heart once again pounding.

For the first time in his life, he was nervous. He did not want to scare her again.

He could not bear to see her soft eyes looking at him with such intense fear.

This was going to be hard. He needed strength.

Fortunately, a servant passed by carrying a complimentary tray. There was one glass left on it and King Aleric was quick enough to grab it.

The servant seemed startled at this before releasing it was the King and became all flustered and bowed respectfully.

The servant knew that he would have to apologise to the Lady who had requested he deliver the glass to her special friend, but she would have to understand. The King came first after all.

Aleric ignored the servant, his gaze still locked in on the beautiful maiden before him as he brought the glass to his lips.

He needed whatever boost the alcoholic beverage could offer to allow him to face her. He downed the drink in under a second before taking a final step towards her.

The sounds of his footsteps caused the frightened girl to look up. Her beautiful eyes widened when she caught sight of him.

"Let me explain. Please..." He held up his hands in an attempt to show that he was no threat, "Please don't run away... Again."

His words were desperate.

Erica's heart ached. Her eyes darted to the nearest escape route. She wanted to run but her feet kept her frozen in place.

Aleric took another step closer; he was now centimetres away from her again. The close proximity played with her senses, all she could feel, all she could smell and all she could see was him.

In a way it was overwhelming.

"Erica..." He intended for his voice to come out gently but for some unknown reason it became trapped in his throat.

Suddenly what felt like a lump wiggled up his airway. He could feel it begin to swell as his breathing started to come out in strained wheezes. He was beginning to choke.

He was having an allergic reaction.

Erica realised this immediately as she had seen it before when one of the Waisend knights were rushed to see Ron. She needed to help Aleric.

Aleric's vision began to blur around the edges and his feet buckled. He was losing consciousness.

He fell forward.

Erica's fast reflexes allowed get to catch him and lower him gently to the ground onto his back.

There were startled gasps and screams from those around as they watched their King fall. Erica did not hear them.

Aleric was not breathing.

Erica was beginning to panic and without thinking she pressed her lips against his forcing air down his swollen throat.


Again, she tried.

She was shaking. Aleric was not responding but she refused to stop.

Eventually she heard him gasp as he took in a large gulp of air.

He was breathing again.

She wanted to cry in relief.

The commotion had caused an uproar. Many had rushed outside to see what had happened and further screams and shouting followed.

Moments before the whole ordeal, the Count Alvore and his eldest son Sorin had been engaged in light conversation with a few prominent noblemen. The men had stepped outside into the gorgeous Trencent garden and stood below the terrace along with many others who sought the fresh air.

Sorin had been standing beside his father. He had added little to no input to the conversation as he had been distracted. His mind had been drifting off to his youngest sister and the new information that he had recently come across.

Sorin had much rather wanted to be out there looking for Erica than attending some ball. He understood that it was expected of him as his duties as the next Alvore heir, but his mind wished him to be elsewhere.

All the men were startled when they heard the shouting and screaming from above. They rushed up to investigate the problem.

Sorin took the lead pushing his way through the gathering crowd. When he reached the front, he froze.

The scene before him was nothing like he could have ever imagined.

King Aleric looked dead as his unconscious body lay flat on the ground and towering over him was a very familiar girl who looked so terrified.

Sorin recognised her the moment he laid eyes on her.


She looked so mature. Her features were so much more defined.

The last time he had seen her she just a child. He could barely even picture her face in his mind since his last memory of her had been so old but now that he had seen her again, he knew.

It was like a bucket of cold water had been thrown onto him refreshing his memory. He could not believe that he had ever forgotten her face.

"She poisoned the King!" A woman shouted from the crowd.

"I saw her!" Another one followed.

Sorin's eyes immediately darted towards the direction of the two voices. He was suddenly angered at the revelation at who they belonged to.

His mother and Sibyl.

The Countess had been upset at first. She had seen King Aleric drink the poison meant for the girl he was running after. She was both fuming and nervous.

The Countess could not have this reaching back to her and there was a high chance that it would now that the king was involved.

It was then when she had caught a glimpse of Erica. She had to blink twice thinking that she had seen a ghost.

The Countess had gasped in disbelief and shock. Erica was supposed to be dead. She had made sure if it.

It was impossible...

Just as quickly as the shock arrived so it was replaced by rage. The Countess was furious.

They had lied to her. The filthy girl was not dead.

The Countess knew what this meant. That rat would reveal everything and tear the Alvore's to pieces.

She would not allow that. She had worked so hard to secure her position and maintain the family's high status.

Erica would ruin everything.

It worked in the Countess's favour that Aleric had an allergic reaction to her little concoction. It opened the perfect opportunity for her to kill two birds with one stone.

Firstly, she could get away with tampering with the King's drink by shifting the blame onto someone else and secondly, she could accuse Erica of trying to kill the king.

This was high treason.

It was perfect and there were so many witnesses. Who would dare question what they could see right before their eyes?

Erica was towering over the body of their unconscious King.

"Guards, seize her!"

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