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Erica tried to yank her hand away from the gorgeous man beside her thinking it would be easier now that he was conscious.

It was as if Aleric knew that she would do that because he strung his fingers between hers and pulled her towards him. She let out a soft yelp as she collided with his chest.

"This is your own fault."

Erica could hear the smile in his words, but she was too nervous to think much of it. She tried again to pull away from him but to no avail.

Still holding her, he slowly pulled himself onto the edge of the bed, adjusting her so that she had her back completely to his chest. He had snaked a hand around her waist successfully trapping her.

"Just so you don't decide to run away again." He playfully chuckled. She could feel the vibrations from his laugh through her back which caused her to shiver slightly.

Truth be told, Aleric not only did not want her to run away again but he wanted to be close to her. Any excuse to have her in his arms again.

While she had been unconscious, he had not left her side for a second. He had been so worried and afraid something might happen should he not be with her.

"Erica." He whispered softly burying his head in her shoulder, "I... I have so much I want to say to you."

Erica's heart had been beating so loudly in her ears that she could barely even register his words. She nervously turned her head not expecting him to be that close.

Her eyes widened at the close proximity of his intense gaze. She was millimetres from his lips and could feel his soft breaths gently hitting her cheek.

She quickly turned her head back and tried to pull away, "Can you let me go?" Her voice was so soft and gentle.

King Aleric's arm tightened around her waist as he let out and almost disappointed sigh, "Only if you promise not to run."

Erica nervously nodded and Aleric reluctantly let her go. She scrambled away from him to the opposite side of the bed and turned to face him.

She could not help but glance over to the door as if wishing to escape. She dejectedly let that thought go and turned to face Aleric was had been watching her every movement so carefully.

Truth be told he was like a predator ready to pounce his prey should she try to run away. He refused to let her go again.

"Erica," he began, "I owe you an apology for lying about my identity."

He watched Erica as she nervously played with her sleeve. She wasn't looking at him, but he could see the small frown on her features.

"You must understand that when we first met, it was not only you who was sneaking out but me as well." He gave a small smile.

Erica looked up at him.

"I should now introduce myself properly to you," He stood up and bowed his head, "I am King Aleric the first but back when we first met, I was Crown Prince Aleric."

Erica did not know what to do. The most powerful man in the entire Kingdom was right before her bowing his head. Never before had she ever heard of something such as this happening.

For a king to bow is simply something not done unless it's to their Queen but even that is uncommon, and Aleric had bowed to her twice.

"Your Majesty, why do you bow to me?" Erica voice her thoughts. She was almost afraid of the answer.

"Please do not call me by that title." He raised his head, a mischievous smile dancing his lips as he purposefully avoided answering her question.

"My Kin-" Erica tried but the slight narrowing of his eyes stopped her before she could finish, "What may I call you?"

"My name or just call me as you did before." Aleric sat down again, never once taking his eyes off of her.

Erica looked down at her hands, a conflicted expression gracing her features, "A... Aleric," Her voice was a little shaky showing her reluctancy to use his name, "If you are planning to hurt me, please do so already..."

Aleric's heart leapt into this throat at her words. They crushed him into a million pieces. A sudden rage over came his being. He was beyond furious.

Erica mistook this sudden change in his demeanour as a fault of her own directed at her. She tensed up and prepared her body and mind to brace for a physical attack closing her eyes tightly.

It never came.

She slowly peeled her eyelids open carefully looking over to Aleric who had his elbows resting on his legs and his hands angrily scrunched up in his hair. His intense maddened gaze was glaring daggers into the floor as he tried to clear his mind and compose himself.

He was trying his hardest to rein in his anger as not to frighten Erica, but it was proving to be a difficult task. Moving his hands down to his face, he pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breathing composing himself before looking back at her.

Her frightened eyes almost completely shattered him.

"I would never hurt you." His voice was strong showing the promise and seriousness of his words, "I swear it on my life."

There was a brief silence before Aleric continued, "That day... That horrid day when I last saw you," He ran a hand through his hair as he relived the memories so clearly in his mind, "You were hurt."

He looked down at her hands, watching as she unconsciously tried to hide the tips of her fingers by tucking them into her palms.

He slowly reached for her hand but paused when he was just centimetres away from her. He then looked up as if to ask permission to take her hand.

Erica who had been momentarily looking down at the sheets slowly looked up upon noticing the extended silence and almost got a fright when she caught sight of his hand.

She looked up at him and carefully analysed his expression. There was some hesitance in her but she forced it away as she slowly gave into Aleric and placed her soft hand into his own.

Slowly Aleric lifted her fingers and examined them, his eyes taking in every fine detail before looking up again.

"I am glad that they have healed..." His voice came out almost as a whisper, "That day was the worst day of my life."

He slowly let Erica's hand go, "I could not help you," He gave a sad smile, "And I lost my father."

Erica's eyes widened as she slowly began to piece the information together. She remembered that when the previous King, King Alwin, had passed away, she heard the bells. It was on the horrible night after she was caught and betrayed.

"Those guards that day were there for me to escort me to my father." Aleric turned to face her making direct eye contact, "Your friend was forced to lie to you. I never called the guards on you." He paused before repeating his earlier words, " I would never hurt you."

Erica knew he was telling the truth. This man before her had never actually done anything to hurt her and even when he did, it was only a lie told by another. A lie that she had so foolishly believed. She felt horrible, a lone tear escaped her eyes.

Aleric had been so good to her all this time, and she had been convinced that he had hurt her. Why did she not look at the bigger picture? Why was she so stupid?

Aleric could almost feel her self-loathing and it pained his heart. He reached forward to grab her and pull her back into his arms without even thinking.

This time she allowed him to. This time she did not fight him or struggle to get away but instead she buried her face into his chest, her head tucking nearly under his chin as she wrapped her arms around him.

"I'm such an idiot..." She choked.

"You aren't. I am the idiot for letting you get away that day." Aleric tightened his grip, "Who hurt you, Erica?"

Erica shut her eyes tightly relishing the warmth of his hold. She did not want to think about anything else. She felt safe in his arms, but she knew that she had to answer him.

"The... The Countess."

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