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"Trust me, they will love you." Louis smiled.

"You don't know that." Georgie grumbled and fiddled with the sequins on her dress.

"Relax. You are with me." Louis gently took her hand giving her a comforting squeeze.

They stood before a set of large of wooden doors with intricate designs leading to the ballroom from the inner estate.

Georgie took a deep breath as the doors began to open revealing the bustling ball before her. She felt extremely out of place like she did not belong.

It was overwhelming.

Louis slowly guided her in. Georgie did not know what she would have done without him at her side. She was truly grateful for the dashing Trencent heir.

A sudden shout nearly caused the nervous girl to jump out of her own skin. It was followed by more incoherent shouts and screams. The outbursts were directed outside.

Something had happened, something bad.

Louis was on full alert as he wasted no time departing from Georgie's side to hurry off and investigate the matter. Georgie who was momentarily stiffened soon followed hurriedly after the man.

There was absolute chaos as a crowd was gathering. Georgie could not see anything as she was pushed about by all the shoving bodies. Everyone wanted to see the cause of all the commotion.

"Guards seize her!" A woman's voice ordered.

Four guards rushed to the scene pushing through the surrounding crowd. This created a temporary gap allowing Georgie to catch a brief glimpse of the scene.

There she caught sight of a beautiful girl standing over the still body of King Aleric. The immediate conclusion was that the girl had done something horrible to the King. From first glance, the King's unmoving body made it seem like he was dead but fortunately the soft rising of his chest proved otherwise.

Georgie was upset that someone had tried to hurt the ruler of their kingdom. Who would dare to do such a thing?

Her answer was the frightened eyes of a very familiar face. Standing over the King's body was a frightened Erica.

Georgie had to blink twice believing that she had seen a ghost. Her eyes did not lie. It was indeed Erica.

Erica was alive.

Georgie was momentarily lost in the joy and relief she felt in that moment. She wanted to cry. Her dear friend was not dead.

Georgie wanted to run up to her and wrap her arms around her. She wanted to apologise for everything even if she were never to receive forgiveness. She was just so enraptured at the mere sight of Erica.

Her moment was soon damped when not even a second later, Erica was harshly forced to her knees with her arms pulled back as she was arrested by two of the guards.

"Bring the King inside and get help!" Louis was quick to order, " As for her, throw her in the dungeons." He was livid.

Louis was not in the right mind. At the sight of his fallen cousin, a fit of rage befell on him. He was blinded by it believing what he had seen. His rage prevented him from analysing the familiarity of the girl however had he known, it was doubtful that he would have reacted much differently.

She had committed high treason, it did not who she was or what she meant to those he was close with. She had harmed Aleric, there were clear signs. Louis would not stand for this, no one would.

He rushed to Aleric's side hoisting the unconscious man up with the help of the two remaining guards. They quickly made their way inside. The crowd departed to make way for their King as it was an emergency.

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