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I was right. Caring for these beautiful souls definitely made me feel a little bit better. I played with them, fed them, let them lay on my lap and some I carried like a baby.

Maybe if I had a dog or a cat in my apartment, every time I go home, all my stress and depression will be washed away as soon as it greeted me.

How I wish I had the time for the responsibility that comes with owning a pet.

I ran a little late going to the office as I spent a little bit more time in the shelter, I needed it, my soul needed it.

"Good morning, Car!" Brian greeted me as soon as I stepped out of the elevator.

"Hey, good morning." I greeted him back.

"I was trying to find you yesterday, but they told me you went with Al. Everything okay?" Brian walked me to my table.

"Umm, yeah, yeah, everything is okay." I put my bag in my drawer and opened my computer while Brian stood still in front of me.

"You know that I can be here for you as a friend, right? That you can tell me anything? After all, I know everything already so... Well, I'm just saying, I'm here if you need a friend. And Claire, you can text her or call her..."

"Bry, I will be fine. I mean, everything will be fine." I smiled, assuring him.

"Hmm, okay. Wanna grab a coffee in the pantry?" 

"You know what, that sounds about good." I stood up from my seat and walk with him toward the pantry.

Brian put his arm around my shoulder, I am used to it as he always does that when we were in college. And that was the scene Alex saw when she stepped out of the elevator.

I saw her body stiffen looking at both of us, she even stopped walking and it made us stop as well.

"Morning, Al." Brian greeted her. That made her back to her senses.

"Good morning." She greeted him back before meeting my eyes.

"Good morning, Ms. Williams." I greeted her and avoided her gaze, I tapped Brian on the back to signal him to start walking again which he gets.

We walked past her without her greeting me back, I'm not sure if she noticed my agitation toward her but I'm sure Brian noticed the tension building up between Alex and me.

"So... That was not awkward at all." Brian joked as soon as we entered the pantry.

I glared at him which he took lightly as he just laughed it off.

"Well, I just hope that you both work on whatever is going on with you two." He snatched the coffee maker from my hand and poured it both into our cups.

"Really? I mean..."

"What? You think I would hope for you both not to work it out? Do you not really know me, Cara Greene?" 

I let out a soft laugh hearing him saying my full name before hitting him on his arm.

He acted like it hurts him and made a face, it made me burst out laughing.

"Well, at least somebody's having a blast this morning." 

Brian and I were both startled when we heard someone speak behind us.

"Would you both excuse me, please? I would like to get a cup of coffee." Alex's voice was so firm and the way she was looking at us sent scares into my insides.

Brian and I made a space for her and eyed each other. But the way Brian was talking to me through his eyes was so funny that I couldn't contain my giggle.

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