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I was woken up by a light knock on the door. I forcefully opened my eyes and scanned the room, Claire was nowhere around.


I got up from the bed and walk towards the door, when I opened it, it was a smiling Brian greeting me.

"What time is it?" I asked him and let him in.

"I'm early. It's only 11:30 in the morning."

I walk to the bed and lay down again with Brian following me, laying beside me.

"I'm still sleepy." I told him with my eyes close.

"Uhmmm." I heard Brian hum before I drifted back to sleep.

The next time I woke up is because of Claire screaming. 

"Wha-What?" I jumped up from the bed when I heard her scream and didn't notice Brian doing the same beside me.

"What is the meaning of this???" Claire still screaming.



Brian and I said at the same time.

Claire was pointing at both of us with her eyes widened.

"What do you mean, Claire?" It was Brian who recovered quickly.

"You two... You were sleeping together!" She exclaimed.

Brian and I looked at each other, still confused.

"Ohhh, no!!! We just fell asleep, nothing happened!" My eyes were now wide realizing what Claire was talking about and Brian agreed.

"Yes, Claire. Nothing happened, we fell asleep and I didn't realize it but just now!" Brian scoot away a little bit from me. His face was flustered, even his ears. He was shy even more than me and I am the girl.

"Whew! Okay! Okay!" Claire dramatically sighed."

"I'm gonna go up to my room and wash up." Brian hurriedly left without looking back. He's still shy.

I lie down again and had my lower arms on my forehead and eyes. I think my head hurts because of getting up so quickly.

"So... You and Brian." Claire started while sitting beside me.

I removed my lower arms from my face and looked at her wondering.

"What?" I asked her.

"Well, you slept together. Not that kind but you know, it was sweet."

I sat up on the bed, leveling with her.

"Do not go there, Claire. We're never gonna happen." I told her firmly.

"Why not? You've gotten very close now, right?"

"Yeah, we are. But you know that I have feelings for somebody else." Remembering Alex made my mood down.

"I don't know exactly the deal between you and your Boss, but I saw her just now with that actor we met at Brian's party." Claire's eyes found mine.

"I know, we saw them too at breakfast."

"You know, this is the part where you tell me now what is the deal between you and your Boss." Claire joked.

 I thought I will hesitate to tell her everything but then I found myself confiding in her not leaving any details out, even the one I agreed with Brian.

"Wow!" She uttered after.

"I mean, Brian really suggested that?" She continued and I nodded.

"Wow, really, wow! He is madly in love with you, why is he helping you with this?" I could hear the surprise in her voice.

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