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We did not see Brian the whole afternoon. 

A few hours after lunch, we got into a team-building exercise where I won every game and had my opponents cursing under their breaths.

I get very competitive when it comes to games, it's actually strange because I'm an only child and have no rivalry at home, but hey, I've been fighting for the love of my own Mother and my only competition was her.

"Wow, I didn't know you have the cat woman in you!" Alex greeted me as I joined her and Claire at the beach chair when the games were over.

"Hah! Cara tends to be overly competitive when it comes to games and competition!" Claire second her.

"What is wrong with that?" I asked innocently.

Both of them chuckled at me.

"Let's go swim before it gets dark." Claire changed the subject. She took off the shirt covering her bikini while Alex watched her.

"Come on!" She babbled at us when neither of us moved.

Alex stood up, removed her cover-ups, and exposed her perfect body, she was wearing a red hot bikini. I seemed to swallow a big lump in my throat looking up at her.

Claire even had to hold my chin and push it up as my mouth hung open just by looking at the goddess before me.

Feeling embarrassed, I pinched Claire's waist before she could even run away from me.

"Come on, let's go." Alex, who was trying to stop herself from smiling.

I stood up and removed my shirt and shorts in front of her.

"You're so hot, Cara." She said almost whispering. "So fucking hot." She continued leaning over to my ear.

Her hot breath touches not just my ear but also a part of my neck sending a shiver down my spine to my very core. Like, goosebumps all over my body. 

Damn, I wonder how it feels when her tongue touches my skin?

I think I'll die of pleasure!

To get me back to my senses, Alex held my hand and pulled me to the water joining Claire.

We swam for half an hour before deciding to head up and change. There will be bands singing again tonight to entertain us.

I changed into white ripped shorts and a black tank top which was given by Claire. She gave me as well a black kind of see-through cover-up.

"So, how are you and Alexandra?" Claire asked as soon as I went out of the bathroom.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, do you guys have any plans for the future..."

"Claire!" I cut her off.

"I need to say it, Cara. I'm sorry but I need to. She's sick and god knows how long she's gonna be here still, don't get me wrong, I'm not being insensitive or whatever, but I'm worried about you."

There was silence after. 

I sat on my bed and looked down.

To be honest, I don't want to think about it now. I just want to enjoy the moments I'm with her. She's here and we're okay.


Claire sat beside me and took my hand with hers.

"I'm seriously worried about you. I can't help but think what would happen to you after..."

"Then don't think about it, Claire!"

I can't hear it, I don't want to hear it. 

"Let's go, Alex said she'll meet us downstairs." I took my hand from her and went straight to the door.

I understand Claire's concern but I'm not ready to hear and accept it. 

There might be a cure and I swore to search for it. There's a Doctor somewhere who can operate and save Alex, She cannot die, she just can't.

Alex's smiling face greeted us as soon as she saw us.

"What to you both so long?" She asked while she anchored her arm to mine.

"Are you hungry?" Tried to change the subject. I looked at Claire but her face was devoid of any emotion and I know Alex noticed it but didn't say anything.

We ate dinner in silence, though Alex was asking us things from time to time.

When Claire excused herself, Alex spoke.

"You guys were fighting?"

"What? No. Why would we fight?" I denied it.

But are we fighting? I mean, I dismissed her, does it count as fighting?

"Yeah, you guys are definitely fighting." 

The next time we saw Claire, we were already at the bar area waiting for the band to come out.

"Where were you?" I leaned over to her to ask her.

"Oh, I was in our room, made some calls to my office."

Our conversation was interrupted when the crowd got so loud and the light was everywhere then it followed a loud sound coming from the stage.

Alex left us for a moment, when she got back, she was carrying 3 beers and handed them to us.

For the next hour, we sang along with the band and the crowd.

"You know, I've never been to concerts!" Alex shouted near my ear.

"Same!" I shouted back.

The full hour, Alex's hand was snaked into my waist and was not leaving it, it was like she didn't want to let me go or something, or I was just assuming and imagining things.

It's my fourth bottle and I was feeling tipsy already with the jumping and screaming.

I put my arms around Alex's shoulder, not caring if people around us were seeing it, I leaned over her ear and whispered,

"Let's get out of here."

Alex was stunned for a couple of minutes before she leaned over to Claire and said something and I saw Claire nodding her head.

"Are you drunk already?" She asked as soon as we got out of the crowd.

"Nope!" I said emphasizing the P at the end.

"Then, why did you..."

"I just wanted to be alone with you, is that wrong?" 

The tipsiness I feel is now succumbing to my whole body, I feel hot and... horny? 

All I can think about is kissing Alex, feeling her body to mine, stuff like that. I didn't think alcohol had this effect on me.

"You want to come up to my room?"

"I thought you'd never ask."


Hello, my lovely and funny readers, I set up a ko-fi account, so if you want to treat me, send me a gift, or just simply motivate me, please feel free to visit my page: Ko-fi.com/lunamarcelo :)

Thank youuuu for always supporting my work, I'm reading all your comments and I love how invested you are in the story :)

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