Chapter 6: The Conduit

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The Sacred Grove had lost none of its awe-inspiring grandeur since Callum's first day of training. Ancient trees stood sentinel, their presence an eternal testament to nature's power. The shimmering glow of the leaves and the gentle hum of energy continued to captivate him, though the wonder had been tempered by the stern, unyielding demeanor of his new trainer.

Oliver, a seasoned druid who was older than Callum yet younger than the Archdruids, had been assigned to oversee Callum's training. His reputation preceded him. Rose warned he was not very nice.

"You're holding the staff like a child," Oliver snapped, his eyes narrow slits as he observed Callum's awkward grip on the tree branch staff. "That's not a toy; it's a conduit. Treat it with respect."

Callum's cheeks burned with embarrassment as he adjusted his grip. "No one ever told me how to hold it," Callum said under his breath. The connection was there, waiting to be nurtured, but Oliver's cold demeanor made it difficult to concentrate.

"Keep a firm grip. You must maintain a strong physical connection so you can funnel your essence into it directly from your body," Oliver commanded while brushing his soft brown beard. Callum obediently reached out with his senses to connect with his wooden staff on a deeper level than just physical touch. "Your conduit can help you direct your essence with pinpoint focus... or expand it for raw power."

Days turned into a blur of harsh lessons and stinging rebukes. Oliver's training was relentless, pushing Callum to the brink of his abilities and beyond. Every failure was met with scorn, every success with grudging acknowledgment.

Through it all, Callum's connection to the staff grew, its energy intertwining with his essence, becoming a part of him. He could feel it growing stronger, feeding off his determination, his will to prove himself. As more of his essence filled the staff, small buds began to form on one end. Callum was curious to know what they would bloom into in the future.

"Your conduit will grow and evolve with you," Oliver said after noticing the buds as well. "Now that you've narrowly learned the basics of funneling your essence into your conduit, it's time to teach you flora manipulation. I heard you've already done it by accident... so I won't be going easy on you."

Callum raised an eyebrow, feigning surprise, and replied, "You have such a kind, forgiving, and pleasant personality... I'm so shocked you would want to make this difficult for me." Callum imagined Lord Rowan saying Oliver failed the vibe check.

Oliver's lips tightened into a thin line, clearly unamused by Callum's sarcastic comment. Without another word, he turned on his heel and led the way through the Sacred Grove, his pace brisk and purposeful. Callum hurried to keep up, his heart pounding with anticipation and anxiety in equal measure.

As they walked, the towering trees gave way to a different kind of majesty. The Cornucopia, aptly named for its bounty, unfolded before them, a massive garden filled with every conceivable type of edible plant. Rows upon rows of fruits, vegetables, and herbs spread out, a living tapestry of colors, shapes, and scents.

"This is where you'll truly learn to control your abilities," Oliver said, his voice tinged with something which might have been excitement if it wasn't so tightly controlled. "Flora manipulation is about more than just making things grow. It's about understanding the essence of the plant, feeling their lifeforce so we can connect with them."

Callum looked around at the abundance surrounding him. The idea of connecting with so many different forms of life was both thrilling and overwhelming.

Oliver's stern voice cut through his reverie. "We'll start with something simple." He gestured to a row of young tomato plants, their green leaves reaching up towards the illuminated sky. "I want you to encourage them to bloom. Focus on the buds, feel their potential, coax them into flowering."

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