Chapter 32: The Fallen

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The return to the Claiborne house was marked by an air of relief as Callum, Beau, and Linh returned and shared the results of the parley. The news was met with cheers and an immediate buzz of excitement among the pack members, who were all too eager to put the struggles and uncertainties of the past behind them.

To celebrate their regained territory, the pack decided to throw a modest party in the coming days. Chase and Xavier volunteered to head to the Howling Pines bar to pick up some of their infamous wolfsbane beer. Jason and Chelsey took on the task of cooking for the pack. Their collaboration in the kitchen was seamless, suggestive of the strong bond that was forming between them. As they worked together, their laughter and flirtatious banter filled the space.

Meanwhile, Mateo and Linh found a quiet corner where they could sit together with a sign language book spread out before them. Mateo's determination to learn sign language was driven by his desire to make Linh feel more included in all aspects of pack life, especially in conversations that often overlooked her due to her quiet nature. Linh appreciated the effort, and her quick fingers and hands swiftly picked up the new form of communication. Soon, she could communicate without having to write or draw.

Over the next few days, the pack bonded more and more while having fun. Even Callum started to feel his spirits lift and his health improve despite his burns still not healing. He and Beau were inseparable. Other than trips to the bathroom, they were never more than arm's length from one another.

Once the celebrations died down, the mood shifted as they gathered again, this time for a more solemn occasion. The pack held a ceremony at Bella's grave where Otis and  the treacherous Texarkanas buried her, marking the final acceptance and remembrance of their fallen alpha. Each werewolf poured out a beer into the grass to symbolize her sharing one with each other.

Callum took a personal interest in preparing the site, using his druidic powers to grow vibrant flowers around the grave. As he infused his essence into the earth to encourage the growth of the flowers, Callum's connection to the life force around him deepened. It was then that he felt it—an unexpected connection to Bella's remains, a thread of possibility that tugged at the edges of his consciousness. The idea that he might, through his powers, be able to bring her back flickered through his mind. The temptation to explore this potential was cut short by a sudden surge of powerful essence that snapped him back to reality.

The werewolves turned their heads to the Little Yggdrasil Callum grew when he first joined the Claiborne Pack. Their muscles tensed as they prepared to shift and engage in combat. A green flame appeared in Callum's palm, but it was quickly extinguished when he saw who came through the magical tree.

"Lord Rowan?" he said before gesturing to the pack that they were not in danger. "It's okay, guys."

"I come in peace," the Archdruid said with his hands slightly raised to show he meant no harm. "I know it's a little sus for me to show up unannounced after what you've all been through, but I really need to speak to Callum."

Callum turned to Beau and gave him an assuring glance before walking toward the woods. "Come, Lord Rowan," he said as he prompted the Archdruid to follow. "You wanted to talk?"

With the two druids standing in the woods, their combined essence made all the plant life perk up and turn healthier shades of green. "Yes. I'm here to summon you to the Sacred Grove as witness in Lady Stella's trial," he said, cutting right to the chase. "Morning Moon... the emissary of the Texarkana Pack has accused her of-"

"I know," Callum interrupted. "He told me he would."

"Right, well, I know it's a short notice, but we would like for you to come now," Rowan said with enough hints of authority in his tone to indicate it was more of an order than a suggestion.

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