Chapter I

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Eren POV

"Kids what would you like for lunch?" I asked no one in particular.

Today is Saturday so there is no class for the two kids and Jackson doesn't have office work every  Saturday and Sunday.

He spend this two days during weekend with his kids and give them time to bond with them and know their needs.

One of the things I strongly admire with him since I married him.

Jake answered back "Fried chicken and fries for me mama."

"Chichen..chichen..." Aiden imitated what Jake said.  While looking at my direction and jumping. 

While Jackson and Lyrus mind their own business.  And never bothered answering my question.

This is one of the regular occurrences here in the house since I married Jackson and Jackson himself seldom gives me attention, he's so cold and indifferent towards me and would never waste an ounce of attention to me unlike to his kids.

Why did I marry Jackson you ask?

Because I liked him since high school.

I know you think we are poor and with that matter I would say yes, but thankfully I was able to availed a scholarship in a private school when I was in high school.  The same school with Jackson.

The first time I saw him was when he was playing basketball in the school gymnasium, when I was asked by one of our teachers to give something to the P.E teacher.


He was on his senior year that time and I was on my ninth grade.

Since then I always watched  his games and even searched everything about him.

Then I stop seeing him after he graduated high school and study abroad for his degree, but despite that I still stalked him on his social media and still  gets some news about him.

And my feelings for him grew more, but I knew deep inside that it is very impossible for him to notice me because of my status and our gap in life status, so I was just contented to admired him from a far and supported him silently to the best of my ability and to the smallest thing possible.

I knew everything that happened to him in the past, his relationships, his marriage, his family and even the unexpected death of his wife

I knew it all and wanted to support him, but who am I to offer such thing when even myself cannot do much about myself.

I am the eldest child of my parents and after graduating from college I immediately look for a job to support my family and the schooling of my two younger siblings.

In regards to my career people can say that I am successful.

I started as an artist assistant and after some time I made my own studio and became a full time artist and art instructor.

I have a good career and life and able to support my family and helped my siblings finished their college.

Then an event happened that lead me to be chosen to become his second wife.

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