Chapter VI

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She thought that maybe after two years of being married to Jackson, both Lyrus and Jackson would eventually learn to accept her even a little bit, but reality slap her hard on the face with a big no and never.

She tried so hard to control her emotions, control her tears not to fall but failed miserably.

She run back to her room and shut it lock.

She cry and cry on her bed not knowing how to stop all these pain that she is feeling right now.

All the pain that she experienced for the past two years keep coming back at her like a flood that is slowly drowning her.

She cried hard and hope that everything will  be fine one day.

When suddenly her phone ring.

Looking who's on the phone she controlled her breathing and throat then she answered the call,

"Hello mom! What's up?"

"Hello darling! How are you? It's been so long since you last called me." Her mom said.

"Mom you know how a mother goes around the house, caring for your whole household, right? Its been the same for me, I'm a wife and a mother of three after all, so life is super busy but.... happy." She said to her mom.

"Well I know what you mean but sometimes I think you don't care about us anymore. You won't even spare a minute to look for us."

"Mom you know that I love you guys right? Don't worry I will find a way to visit you soon.  Please understand me mom." She said to her mom.

"Ok darling I understand,  I was just teasing you. Hahaha... Ok darling I'll wait for your visit,  just ring me when will you come ok? Take care darling,  love you and see you soon!"

Her mom almost ended the call when she shouted back at her

"By the way your dad say hi and he miss you too darling. Please come visit us sooner. Bye darling!" Then the  call ended.

After the phone call Eren felt a little bit better after hearing her mom's voice and she felt a bit energize to face life again.

When she look at the time its almost seven and she hasn't prepared dinner yet. So she hurriedly goes out of her room to the kitchen to prepare food for the kids and Jackson.

After cooking she called the kids and Jackson but no one answers  her call so she decided to check on their room but found it empty, even in Jackson's room.

'Maybe they went out to eat their meal, maybe they got hungry and saw no food on the table and left to eat outside.'

She then again felt lost and hurt.

She did not eat and just decided to wait for them in the living room while staring at nothing.

Thinking of the pass two years.

The pass things she did for Jackson's children, the duties she  fulfilled as their mother and the love she gave them, the way she cared for them, all of those things are real and she will not change it for anything.

But just this time, just this one time, she wanted to quit, she wanted to surrender and just rest.

Her tears fell silently, she just let it fall freely and became unaware of time.

After some time, she tidied herself up and just wait for them silently and patiently.

And then she heard the car entered their garage.

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