Chapter XIV

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Jackson POV

For the whole vacation time the kids enjoy swimming the most. Almost all their time they were at the beach.

It is now time to go back and the kids still want to stay but I told them that we will be back at their summer break. Then Lyrus and Jake agreed to it.

We arrived home at almost dinner time because the kids still swam the whole morning for the last time.

When we arrived home, the food were already prepared on the table and we eat and proceed to each our room to clean ourselves.

When I suddenly heard Jake and Aiden voices inside their room. I hurriedly run to their room and check what's happening.

I saw Aiden crying as if looking for something.

"Aiden what's the matter? What are you looking for baby?" I asked Aiden as I carry him on my arms.

"Where's my mama? I didn't see mama when we entered the house. Daddy where is my mama? Wahhh... mama."
Aiden said while crying in my arms.

All of a sudden Aiden remembered that woman and been looking for her when we entered the house which irritates me immediately.

"Shhh... shhh.. Aiden, Eren is not here anymore, she left after we left last time.
Remember when she shouted at you  that morning? Daddy told her to leave because she doesn't care for Aiden and Jake properly. She shouldn't be shouting at you when she's angry." I said while coaxing him.

"But Aiden wanted to see mama. Daddy I want to see mama too, please make her come back." Jake said, he's  been listening to our conversation.

"No Jake, she's not returning here anymore. You must learn how to live without her. That's how it is supposedly from the start." I firmly said to Jake.

"But she's our mama. Daddy please make her come back." Jake pleaded with tears in his eyes. He too started crying.

"I said she's not coming back and that's final Jake." Trying hard not to shout at them at that moment.

"You go and change your clothes and sleep early. I'll take Aiden to my room. He'll be sleeping there tonight. You still have class tomorrow." I said and leave the room with Aiden in my arms.

In my room I lay Aiden down on my bed. I didn't notice that he's already asleep maybe because of exhaustion or because of too much crying.

I had a suddenly headache because of that short encounter with Jake and Aiden.

After that, I took a quick shower and changed my clothes and then proceed to my study room to take a look at some of the reports.

When I'm supposed to take my sit, I saw a white folder.

I don't remember leaving any documents on top of my desk.

I reached out for it and then saw that it was the divorce letter I gave to that woman almost a week ago. There at the bottom was her signature over her name.

'Good, at least she's sensible enough not to be stubborn to fight or disagree with me.' I thought to myself.

I took my phone and dialed my assistant number.

"Hello Bryan! I want you to come here early tomorrow morning. I want you to do something." I said calmly to my assistant.

"Good evening sir! Yes sir! I'll be there before seven in the morning. Do you need any documents for me to bring there sir?" Bryan asked.

"No, just be early tomorrow. Ok that's all. Good night.  See you tomorrow." I calmly said and I ended the call.

Then I saw a voice message almost a week ago from that woman.

I'm planning to delete it but accidentally click the play button.

"No, no Jackson please  answer your phone, please. Ahhh... J...J...Jackson p...p...please help me. Ahhh...Please.. ha... ha... o...our baby, plea..."

When I heard the message I momentarily froze. It seems like I didn't understand it clearly.

I tried to compose myself from the sudden shocked and replay the message to understand it clearly.

"No, no Jackson please  answer your phone, please. Ahhh... J...J...Jackson p...p...please help me. Ahhh...Please.. ha... ha... o...our baby, plea..."

When I understand the message, I don't  know how to react. I suddenly don't know what to think and what to do at this moment.

Everything seems blank for a moment.

Then I chuckled after I recovered.

"Hahaha. How lowly of you to use this kind of method? Hahaha..." I laugh but my hand holding phone almost crashed it.

"What are you playing at Eren? Make sure you're ready when we meet." I said darkly.

But suddenly I remember the feeling I had experienced on our first night during our five days vacation in our private beach.

Then I dialed my personal private investigator.

"Hello! I want you to investigate what Eren did for the past few days and try to know what is she up to. I want the results ASAP." I said coldly and  authoritatively.

"Yes sir! I'll work on it immediately then send it to your email. Bye sir!" He said.

"Remember I want it as soon as possible!" Then after saying I ended the call.

Then I grab the folder and took the paper inside  and look at her signature over her name. Feeling complicated and irritated.

"Let's see what you're playing at Eren." I said while I almost crumple the paper.



This is it for now!😊😊😊

Hope you enjoy this chapter!😉😉😉

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