3. Captured

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Sean woke up again, this time the first thing he noticed was an arm cast, as well as the lack of pain in his arm, though he had a massive headache.

The next thing he noticed was that he was in a cage, it was mostly wooden walls, but one side had a clear mesh-like cover, he looked out of it.

He saw a very bright and white room with more, massive tables, these ones had wheels though, along with this, he saw cabinets and shelves containing metallic knives, tools and boxes that were probably medicine, along with other thinga, which made Sean pretty damn nervous.

He started panicking silently, trying to look for ways to get out and escape, this thought didn't last for long, as two aliens in white clothes came into the room, grabbing some things.

Sean watched silently, trying to analyze the aliens, with the thought of this maybe being fake long gone.

He tried seeing what they were doing before one of the aliens turned around and reached for his cage, Sean let out a yelp, the alien seemed surprised, but still, simply pushed him into another room.

Here, they opened the cage, Sean was pressed up against the very back of the cage, terrified of coming out.

The end of the cage was lifted up and Sean was forced to come out, sliding out of the cage and into one of the metallic bed things.

He got grabbed by the two of the aliens and put into restraints, they completely immobilized him with some rings on his writs and ankles that stuck to the metal bed, but could still move around, probably magnetism.

By this poimt Sean wasnt screaming, just silently crying breathing very hard.

The two aliens grabbed their stuff again and ñeft the room, to Sean's relief, unfortunately, the third one was putting things in the table, he couldnt see what they were.

The alien removed most of his clothes (it left his pants and shirt on) and put them aside, it was touching his body for ages, usually with more metal stuff, Sean went calmer after so long of waiting, but was still crying.

After all that, the alien slowly removed the restraints, Sean didn't move a muscle until all the restraints were off, at which point he jumped off the table, desperately looking for how to escape.

Unfortunately the door was locked and the alien tried pinning him down again, this time, he managed to escape it, but eventually the other aliens came in and helped put him in the cage.

Sean calmed down, breathing in deeply and started looking for ways to escape, but eventually, that idea died down, he waited, looking around the little space he had.

After about an hour of waiting, another alien came in, this time, it also had armor, it was a softer one, like the one used for police dog bites.

They moved him again, this time putting him in a room without a ceiling, letting the sun come in, it wasn't very bright, but still appreciated.

Again, they forced him out of the cage, but this time, all the aliens got out except for the armored one, Sean still tried running away from him.

The area was caged off as well, so he settled for having his back pressed against the fence, facing the alien guard.

He started inspecting the area, noticing that the ground didnt actually have grass, like he first thought, instead, it was more like vines all across the floor, still pretty thin though and a dark green, so bassically the same.

He looked around at the fence, sure, he could defenitly climb out, because of the low gravity, but what would he even do after that, he had a broken arm.

After a while, Sean ripped up some of the floor vines and tried braiding/twisting them into a rope, mostly to waste time but also to see if they could be used for that.

Thankfully the cast didn't wrap his hand, really just the upper part, where the fracture happened

His plan was interrupted as he saw more aliens come into the area, stressing Sean.

They talked in their high pitch voices to eachother, later, they aproached Sean while carrying a bunch of things, in response, he yelled at them to stay back.

They seemed to get the message and stayed behind, instead, leaving on the floor the things they brought.

Captured by aliens (It was his own fault)Where stories live. Discover now