33. A chill evening

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Sean's perspective:

He looked at how Tegnuk wrote for a good chunk of time, it was interesting seeing how they wrote using their claws, dipping every single one at once and writing with one at a time, when ink ran out on a claw, Tegnuk used the next.

It seemed pretty inneficient, having to get ink continuously made Tegnuk's fast writing slow down a ton.

He spent a while thinking of how it could be easily improved by making something like a modified ballpoint pen that attaches to a claw, since holding a normal pen with claws seemed difficult.

Their way of writing was kind of like Chinese, he even managed to recognize some names from before, though he still had no idea how to pronounce them.

Seeing the massive amount of different lines and dots each word had, he wondered about the rules they used for pronounciation, but the aliens weren't teaching him their alphabet a lot, just that one time a while ago.

He started thinking of how to get Tonuk or Ri to teach him again, eventually planning on using a page somewhere to write random lines and pointing to them, hoping that they would understand.

He continued thinking about what he would do for the rest of the day, because yes, learning more words was entertaining, he didn't want to do it for hours, and neither did the aliens seemingly.

He settled for solving more puzzles when he went back to Tonuk's home, hopefully he'd find one a little bit simpler.

After a while, Tegnuk got up, stretching out and yawning.

He was surprised once again at just how massive and lanky this species was, since just standing up, it was ~7 meters tall with pinned down ears, but reaching up he wasn't even able to see properly, as it was easily taller than a 2 story house.

Its maw was also interesting, as while the fur outside was reddish brown, the inside was black with a lot of white spots and very blunt teeth, basically, herbivore teeth.

After this, Tegnuk went on to play with the Turo's, somehow juggling a bunch of balls thrown at him at once.

He decided to go back to playing around with the puzzle he brought, since maybe he would be able to get a little further this time.

He went to his room, noticing that the heat lamp was back and turned on, though it wasn't very warm, still appreciated though.

He played around with the toy, having to manage three different parts of the toy at once, using loops to get further, but still got stuck, he managed to go a bit further though.

He walked around the building for a while, eventually he went into Tonuk's room again, only to see it going to town, scarfing down a massive amount of different vegetables.

He was surprised and, he didn't really want to disturb it while it was doing, that, so he went to look for something else to do, eventually finding Ri in the storage room.

He peeked and saw it organizing the room, stacking boxes in order to sweep the floor.

He looked over to where Ri was sweeping things to and saw a gigantic furball, it went up to his knees.

It was pretty gross, but he figured that he should probably have expected it, with so much fur in one place.

With not much else to do, he decided to start moving boxes around as well, though this quickly turned into just being nosy once again and seeing what was inside.

He found a lot of clothes, what looked and smelled like cleaning supplies, pictures, weirdly shaped metal blobs that he had no idea what they were for, and books.

Captured by aliens (It was his own fault)Where stories live. Discover now