4. Escaped

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Sean kept his distance and looked at the things from afar, he was able to see water in another beaker, more liquid brown stuff, some balls and a short rope with a ball at the end.

The other aliens went back into the building, leaving the guard and Sean alone.

Sean realized he was very thirsty and got up, he walked to the water slowly, always keeping and eye on the guard.

He took the beaker and walked back to the edge, he drank the whole thing and sat down, the guard sat down as well and reached over for one of the balls.

The guard threw it over to Sean, who after checking it, confirmed it was really just that, a boring old ball, which he threw back at the guard, watching the ball slowly fall to him.

The guard caught the ball and blinked slowly at him, keeping his eyes squinted, after that, he threw the ball back at Sean.

While playing with the guard and thought about the weird blink the guard gave him, he compared it to how cats show trust, so maybe these guys did things similarly?

Sean returned the slow blink, to which the guard made a long, chirping noise noise.

Sean was weirded out, but at least now he didn't feel in direct danger, still, he didn't know what these aliens were even doing, but after thinking, they were kind of treating him like an animal.

He tried not to think too much about that, as the guard sighed and got up, he walked into the building, Sean started considering escape again.

But there probably wouldn't be any food, water, or anything to live off, so he gave up hope on it.

The alien came back into the area, now with two, different aliens, these ones were gigantic, easily 7 meters tall, they had to squeeze into the door.

Sean's heartbeat shot up as he saw their faces, also long, looking canine, but they had fangs, big claws, they were slender, armored and they scared Sean so bad he practically jumped the fence without touching it.

He ran outside for who knows how long, all he knew is he ended up in a foresty area, with very thin and tall trees without branches, just leaves at the tops, also, he was thirsty, out of breath, hungry and scared to death.

He started breathing deeply and controlled, calming down, he decided to look for water, so he walked around, keeping track the direction where the aliens were, to avoid getting closer.

He found a stream of water and was about to drink, but remembered that he would probably get sick unless he boiled it, as well as that he couldn't boil it without a fire, which he for sure wasnt going to be able to build.

Sean decided to follow the stream to see if anything could be usefull, very shortly after, he saw two creatures drinking out of the stream.

One of those were dead, with a dark blue blood spilling iut and some nasty bites, with chunks taken out of the corpse, Sean couldn't even tell what it was before.

There was a creepy wolf sized creature next to it, with fur, massive jaws and claws about the same size as the tall guys from before.

Sean froze in place scared, he tried walking back, but unfortunately the wolf-like thing noticed him and followed him slowly.

Sean made his best not show his back to the wolf-like, because thats a death sentence with Earth animals, so he tried making himself look big and scary.

Massive mistake, this startled the wolf-like and made him attack, it opened its mouth and jumped straight for Sean.

Sean let out a silent scream and punched the wolf, managing to hit it in the nose, sending the wolf back surprisingly far.

Sean was filled to the brim with adrenaline again, this time though, he was the one attacking, he ran to the wolf, pinned it to the ground and beat its skull, eventually hearing a crack, along with a sudden lack of movement.

Sean sat back, trying to catch his breath, thinking of how its skull cracked easily, he tried inspecting the new corpse, but was too creeped out.

He decided to drink some water and, seeing that the sun was setting, go to sleep, so he drank and started looking for somewhere to sleep safely.

He eventually found a fallen tree, which he found was easily broken with some leverage, he worked for about an hour, managing to make a small shelter with the wood.

He ripped up vines from the floor and used them to cover up the shelter and after confirming nothing could get in easily, fell asleep.

Captured by aliens (It was his own fault)Where stories live. Discover now