See Ginseng Again

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Qibao crossed her arms over her chest and said: "I gave you a drink because I saw you were injured and couldn't bear it in my heart so I saved you. As a wolf, you can't be too greedy."

The white wolf thought for a while, then bit Qibao's sleeve and dragged her outside. Qibao thought that she was not giving his children water to drink from the spiritual spring, and the white wolf was angry and wanted to drive them out. But the white wolf didn't stop until it got out of the cave, and continued to move forward. Qibao just let him drag her, everyone followed, and the white wolf led them around a large dirt bag and stopped at a flat low-lying area.

Qibao was simply shocked to see that there were no less than a dozen ginseng plants growing here. Xiaoling shouted excitedly: "Master, they are all ginseng. Each one is older than the last ginseng you picked!"

Qibao hurriedly stepped forward and found that there were still a few dug ginseng plants on the ground, but they had been bitten a few times. At this time, the white wolf stepped forward and slowly took another bite on the dug ginseng.

Qibao was simply thunderstruck on the outside, a waste! Is it possible that this white wolf is so spiritual is the reason why it ate all this ginseng?

Xiaoling said at that moment: "This white wolf is really picky about food. He won't eat the old ones. I guess there are so many ginsengs in this land because there was a ginseng plant here originally, and then the seeds fell here and they grew again. New ginseng appeared, and over time, this place became a ginseng field."

Qibao thought about it and this must be the reason. Qibao shouted: "Dad, brothers, come and dig ginseng. There are a lot of ginseng here!"

Xu Laosan was already shocked beyond words, and only after hearing Qibao's words did he come back to his senses, his voice hoarse with excitement, saying: "What are you still waiting for, didn't you hear your sister's words? Made a fortune, made a fortune!" The younger ones immediately became confused, but rushed over to help.

It took them nearly two hours to finish digging these ginsengs and put them into space, Xiaoling said: "Master has a total of 12 ginsengs, there are 4 of 300 years old, 3 of 400 years old, 3 of 500 years old, and 2 of 600 years old. But master just needs to plant these ginsengs in space soil and water them with spiritual spring water every day, I believe that it won't take long to have the efficacy of a thousand years old ginseng."

Qibao asked: "Will the space be upgraded this time?"

Xiaoling replied: "As long as the master can find more precious things, or if you do more good deeds, you can level up, and then I can plant them into space. You can upgrade this time, however, if you find ginseng next time, you will not be able to upgrade it. The space can only be upgraded each time by precious medicinal materials planted on space soil for the first time. "

Qibao smiled bitterly, these high year ginsengs wouldn't have come across themselves if it wasn't for the white wolf, it seems that she can only help herself to accumulate more virtue to upgrade her space.

After everyone dug the ginseng, they returned to the White Wolf's Cave. The White Wolf then signaled Qibao to put the spiritual spring water into the stone bowl. The two white wolves cubs closed their eyes and twitched their noses. They followed the taste and came to the stone bowl. They stuck out their cute pink tongues and began to lick the spiritual spring water in the bowl.

The mother wolf licked her mouth, saw her own child eating, resisted the urge to drink and sat aside to watch, Qibao saw this and put her hand into the mother wolf's mouth again, the mother wolf tasted the spiritual spring water and immediately gobbled it up and sucked on it.

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