White Wolf, Moves In

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Qibao saw that the ginseng in the field was growing very well, and thought that Jingchen needed 500-year-old ginseng to treat his grandmother's illness. After thinking about it, she gritted her teeth, pulled out a ginseng and took it out.

The first thing Qibao did when she got up the next day was to take White Wolf and the others out of the space. After leading the white wolf and the others out of the room, they entered the front hall. She saw Mrs. Wang sweeps the floor and was frightened when she saw the two big white wolves next to Qibao. "Ah" She threw the broom in her hand, almost sat down on the ground, and stammered: "Wolf... Wolf... There are wolves!"

Everyone in the room heard Wang's voice and came out to check. Mrs. Lin saw the two wolves next to her daughter and shouted in horror: "Qibao, come here quickly!" Grandpa and uncle Xu were so frightened that they were sweating all over and were about to find sticks to drive the wolf away.

Qibao quickly explained: "Grandma, aunts, don't be afraid. It's the white wolf I rescued last time in the mountain. It's obedient and won't bite."

Xiaoliu, on the contrary, ran to the white wolf's side with bright eyes, stroking the white wolf's head, and said happily: "White wolf why are you here?"

Qibao said: "The white wolf knocked on my window last night. I thought there was a thief, but I didn't expect it when the window opened. It also brought its wife and children with it, and planned to join our house!"

Xu Laosan said: "Mom and dad, this is the white wolf I'm talking about. It can still roll its eyes! But it's smart and won't bite. Don't worry." To prove that he was right, he also stepped forward and touched the white wolf.

Bai Shuang knew that Xu Laosan was speaking for him, so he rolled his eyes at him, but allowed him to touch it.

Xu Laosan suddenly shouted excitedly: "Mom, dad, eldest brother and second brother, look, I'm right, it just rolls its eyes!"

Only then did the Xu family recover from the shock, and Wang said in an exaggerated tone. 

"Boy, those two wolves are big, they are probably taller than me when they stand up! They can eat a lot!" A look of wanting to come forward and not daring to do so.

Elder Xu saw that the wolf was indeed spiritual. It would not move even if others touched it. It was very docile and kept circling around...

Qibao said: "Bai Shuang, take your wife and greet my family, and get acquainted with them!"

Bai Shuang nodded and walked over to the old man and stretched out his paw, Elder Xu was startled and asked: Qibao what does it mean?"

Qibao replied: "Grandpa, it's saying hello to you! It wants to shake hands with you!"

Upon hearing this, Elder Xu thought it was strange, so he stretched out his hand and shook hands with Bai Shuang. It was the first time that Elder Xu had come into close contact with a white wolf, touching the white wolf's paw and saying: "Look at the big paws, they are quite polite!"

Bai Shuang and Bai Xue shook hands with everyone in the family. She didn't resist anyone's touch. She even licked the hands of her family members, as if she was willing to do whatever they wanted. Suddenly, the family was no longer afraid of it. They petted one and praised the other. The two white wolves suddenly became proud. Judging by his expression, he is probably thinking: "Look, look how attractive I am. My damn charm is so irresistible."

Qibao gasped when she saw it. Bai Shuang always had a cold personality! Today he is as docile as his wife.

Xiaoba, who was next to him, was so frightened when he saw the wolf that his tail was between his legs, but the wolf just looked at it contemptuously and did not attack it. Suddenly he became bolder and followed the Xu family around. Seeing the Xu family praising and touching the white wolf, he stood in front of Wang. As long as Wang reaches out to touch the white wolf, it will put its head on Wang's hand and let Wang touch it. The meaning of competing for favor is beyond words. It made the whole family laugh.

Qibao said: "Xiaoba, you have to get along well with Bai Shuang and the others from now on, you know! And Bai Shuang and Bai Xue, don't bully Xiaoba, he is your younger brother!"

Bai Shuang glanced at Xiaoba and felt that this was not enough for him to swallow. Since it was the master's wish, he would just accept him as a younger brother, so he nodded and agreed.

Xu Dabo said: "This white wolf can really understand human speech, it's really too smart, it's much more powerful than Xiaoba, it's worthy of being the head wolf." Xiaoba whined at Uncle Xu with dissatisfaction.

Qibao said: "One of them is Bai Shuang and the other is Bai Xue. They have two children, and they are sleeping in my room!"

Zhang asked: "These white wolves are very cute, but they probably eat more than all of us, so what should we feed them?"

Qibao said: "They go up the mountain to hunt by themselves when they are hungry, so there is no need to worry."

Generally, women like this snow-white furry animal very much, so the white wolf's arrival was liked by the whole family, finally the white wolf finally settled down in the Xu family.

Jing Chen had been watching from the side without making a sound, but Ye Feng next to him spoke up: "Master, Miss Xu is really capable. This is a white wolf. It is much more powerful than other wolves. Unexpectedly, Miss Xu subdued him. Look at the white wolf, he doesn't look like the leader of the pack."

Jing Chen said: "She is indeed extraordinary. This matter should not be made public." Ye Feng agreed after hearing this.

The Xu family wanted to arrange a room for White Wolf's family of four, but Qibao said: "The White Wolf will sleep in my room at night, there's no need to arrange for shelter, it's just that last night the White Wolf also brought one more thing, I guess Brother Jing Chen will like it." After speaking, she looked at Jingchen with a smile on her face.

Jing Chen's heart moved when he heard this, and he said with a slight smile: "Is there any news about ginseng?"

Qibao replied: "Yes, White Wolf already brought the ginseng last night." After saying this, she took the wrapped ginseng out of her arms.

Jing Chen took the wrapped ginseng and opened it. He saw that it was indeed a 500-year-old ginseng, still with soil, very complete, and his emotions suddenly leaked out. He hugged Qibao and said: "You saved my grandmother's life. My grandmother is the best person to me in the world. Qibao, thank you!"

Qibao was stunned for a moment. She had never seen Jingchen so emotional. She thought that his grandmother was really important to him, so she patted Jingchen's back comfortingly. The Xu family also looked at each other in shock.

Wang said: "This is a good thing, the white wolf is a big contributor!" After saying that, she peeled away Jingchen's hand and pretended to help Qibao straighten her clothes.

Jing Chen also felt rude and calmed down and said: "What Grandma Wang said is, Ye Feng, you and Ye Ying go up the mountain to catch some wild animals and give them to the white wolves, as a thank you gift from me." After ordering the secret guards, Jing Chen touched the white wolf and said: "Thank you, Bai Shuang!"

In fact, White wolf was confused, it probably was thinking what does this have to do with me, isn't this what the master took out from that land of the immortals? If it was mine, wouldn't I eat it myself, why would I give it to you!

Wang suddenly said: "Qibao, you haven't had breakfast yet, I've left it all for you, go and eat something to fill your stomach!"

After Qibao had eaten breakfast, Jing Chen took a stack of silver notes and placed them in front of Qibao and said: "Qibao, thank you for letting Bai Shuang help me find ginseng. This ten thousand tael of silver notes will be my thank you gift. You must take it!"

Elder Xu was startled and said: "Jing Chen, what are you doing? These are all things from the mountain, and we didn't do much. You'd better take the money back!" The Xu family members were shocked to see so much money. After hearing what the old man said, they all shook their heads and signaled Jing Chen to take it back.

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