Come to the door

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Wang asked in confusion: "Old man, what do you mean by this?"

The old man smiled and said: "It's not because of this flexible head of Qibao, proposing some kind of sharing contract with Shopkeeper Hong, once this is feasible, then the pills won't be at the current price!" Then he told his family about the conversation between Qibao and Shopkeeper Hong.

After everyone listened, Mrs. Zhang laughed and said: "Qibao is the smartest one in our family, even if this auction doesn't work, our family still gets the current price, and we don't lose anything, it's not a loss!"

Qibao said: "Who said that I am the smartest in our family? My brothers are also very smart. What's more, I have a master to teach me, so I naturally know more!"

The old man said: "It's a shame that I can't treat your master properly and thank him!"

Qibao said: "My master is in a place where gods should stay, how can he come to a place like us mortals!" Qibao has always regarded Xu Fangfei as her master, and to ordinary mortals, immortal cultivators are just like gods!

It's not like she lied to her family, but she didn't tell her family that her master was gone. Otherwise, it would be difficult for her to explain her differences. She can only say that her master is teaching her every day. Therefore, Qibao's family members always thought that Qibao's transformation was due to her master.

Mrs. Wang put away the money and started preparing lunch with her three daughters-in-law.


It has been half a month since the road construction in Xujiacun, and the road has been built for a long section. Every time Xu Erbo and the village chief had to walk up for nearly an incense stick of time to get to the section of the road that the workers were repairing. After all, there were more than a hundred people working, and all of them were peasant men who were used to doing laborious work.

Early in the morning, the Xu family got up, and white mist came out of everyone's mouth when they spoke. Wang said: "It seems that this winter will be much colder than last year. Fortunately, everyone in the family has made cotton-padded clothes! The quilts are all new. I finally feel better this year. The Chinese New Year will be here in one and a half months! Our family will have a lot of fun this year. Have a good New Year!"

Zhang laughed and said: "Yes, time flies so fast. Last year our family was still eating brown rice. Unexpectedly, this year our family not only built a new house, but also started a business. It's really touching to think about it!"

The old man said: "It's not because of our Qibao's credit, this year our family will prepare more things for the three daughters-in-law to bring back to their maiden homes, as our Xu family's annual gift to our in-laws! Every year our family is poor, and there's nothing we could bring out."

The three sisters-in-law were very happy after hearing what their father-in-law said, and replied: "Thank you, Dad, for still thinking about my family."

The old man smiled and waved his hands and said: "It should be, it should be, we are all one family!"

Just as the Xu family was chatting lively about home affairs, there was a knock on the door.

The old man said: "Third son, go open the door and see who is coming!"

Xu Laosan hurriedly ran to open the door. When he saw it was shopkeeper Hong, he was a little surprised and said: "Shopkeeper Hong, why are you here? Please come inside quickly."

Shopkeeper Hong smiled and said: "I came here to discuss something with your family. Are the old man and this girl Qibao at home?"

Xu Laosan said: "They're at home, come in quickly!" He quickly invited people into the main room.

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