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I started studying guys (follow-up to a note i made in my other book), made this in my little break :)

You were sat on the outdoor bench on your balcony next to Luke, who was smoking. You weren't really a person who smoked, you used to when life was miserable but you quit. You felt lonely so you had invited him to hang, you told him the whole 'I love you' text happening to him. Whenever something happened you told him first, not Rosie since she was fast to judge or have an harsh opinion.

Cause of all the stress you could actually use a kick of nicotine so you turned over to Luke who was about to grab another cigarette out of the pack "Can I have one?" You asked him.

He gave you a surprised look but still passed you one "When did you pick up smoking again?" He asked you.

You put the cigarette between you lips and waited for him to pass the lighter "Just been craving it lately" You said and he shrugged it off 

You lit the cigarette and took a big hit from it deeply inhaling it, and coughing it up since you were still a little sick. "Dear GOD why is it so strong" You said in between coughs "What do you smoke?"

"Just Camel Yellow" He said and laughed at you 

"Jezus that's why you smell, bleh these fucking stink" You said but took another hit either way, you heard a knock on the door so you stood up to open it, leaving Luke alone on the balcony. You couldn't just lay your cig down so you just took it with you "Oh fuck now my house is gonna stink" You said and waved away the smoke. 

You put the cigarette in between your lips so you could unlock your door with both hands, yes you had to use two hands since your door lock had its life of its own and refused to open unless you used both hands

You were looking down when you opened the door cause you almost dropped the cig, but you looked up when you heard a familiar voice swear at you. 

"Y/N What the hell!?" Taylor said as she stormed in, trying to take the cigarette from in between your lips. 

You quickly stumbled back thinking that she was going to hit you, in the process you dropped the cig and stepped on it "What is going on?" Luke said as he walked over to you from the balcony.

"Why the fuck is Y/N smoking?!" She said, she looked pretty mad but also very concerned 

"It's an old habit" Luke said, to Taylor it sounded like it didn't mean anything, like it was normal

"Since when do you smoke Y/N?" She asked you a little calmer 

You just adjusted to what happened and she's asking way to many questions, what is she even doing here? "What do you care?" You said and scoffed.

Taylor looked at you offend "I guess ill better go..." Luke said, walking right out the front door that was still open, closing it behind him.

"Y/N you better explain yourself" Taylor said, she stood tall over you with her arms crossed you were a little scared if you had to admit. 

"No! You better explain why you're here" You spit back at her, how dare she just show up after she left you on read 

"Cause I fucking care!? Why else??" She said taking a big step closer to you

You held your arms out in front of you scared that she'll hit you "Please don't hit me" You said frightened, your eyes tightly shut

"Y/N?" Taylor said confused "I-i won't hit you?" "Why would i?" She then asked confused 

You opened your eyes and lowered your arms, standing up straight again "I-i dont know" you said and let out a sigh of relief 

"Are you okay?" she asked as she looked at you concerned 

"Yeah, just had a uhm- my last partner was abusive.." You said, doubtful if you should've told her 

"Oh honey, you should've told me" She said approaching you, this time slowly "Personally i think communication is key" She said and smiled 

You looked up at her, kind of irritated. Communication is key? Why did she fucking leave me on read then?  "What do you mean? You ghosted me you bitch" you said, maybe a little too harsh. 

"-Y/N I-i can explain" She said 

"I told you i loved you, i was drunk- but that doesn't mean i didn't mean it!" You said, not letting her make any excuses 

 "I just felt like we haven't done anything besides having sex, how can you love me?" Taylor abruptly said

You let out an awkward laugh "What do you mean? How can i not love you? I don't know how to describe it- I just love you, I'm in love with you!"  You said "And we have done somethings beside having sex, we went on a hike, which i really enjoyed, we watched a movie, we ate pizza and drank wine together, you came to my birthday party. It may not seem like real dates but its quality time we pent together and i think that counts" You explained to her

"Yeahh... You're right.. I guess- i guess i was just scared" She admitted 

"You were scared? You literally have an album called 'Fearless'" you said and giggled "But seriously don't leave me hanging like that again" You said 

"I promise i won't" She said smiling at you "Can i take you out for a dinner date?" She then asked you "...Like a real 'date' where we go to a restaurant and..-"

"thought you would never ask" You said, your face beaming.

I wanted to make it a real slow burn and make 100 parts but i'm going to fast 

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