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IM BACK, I have my tea and raisins (raisins are underrated asf) im ready to write this shit

The gleaming sun cast a bright glow over your face, you rolled over so the sun wasn't directly in your face. You slowly opened your eyes as you felt a presence beside you. When your eyes adjusted to the lit up room you could see Taylor, next to you on her side. Her sparkly blue eyes looking into yours.

"Jezus, that's scary" You said and let out a laugh as you stretched 

"What?" She asked confused, a smile growing onto her face

"Those blue eyes of yours could literally burn through my soul" you said "Why didn't you close the curtains?" You then asked 

"Hmm that's a weird way to put that" She said and giggled at your words "I forgot, plus we got a little carried away last night so-" 

"Oh shut it" You said as you moved closer to snuggle beside her "Im not used to waking up next to someone"

"Then you should get used to it" She said as she smiled "Can I ask you something?" She asked, in a serieus tone which always scared you

"Yeah of course Tay" You said, waiting for her to continue. You didn't know what to expect, maybe it was just a stupid little question 

"I had a really nice time with you these past months" She started with, making you a little suspicious "And so uhm- fuck it" "Can I be your girlfriend- Will you be my girlfriend?" She blurted out 

You started laughing at her stumbling over her words "Oh wow" "How polite of you to ask if you can be mine" you said and giggled "Of course I'll be your girlfriend!!" You said and squealed as she pulled you closer into her embrace

You heard a phone go off and Taylor immediately grabbed it "I have to take this" she said and stood up, leaving your room after she gave you a kiss on your head. You heard her muffled talking through the bedroom door, she sounded a little panicked. Or maybe you were just hearing it wrong, she was walking circles the living room. 

You got curious so you stepped out of bed and went to see what she was up too. You found her pacing the room, her phone to her ear. She looked stressed "Tay are you okay?" you asked her 

"Y/N not now" She said and shushed you, oh? 

So, you walked over to the couch and sat down, waiting for her to finish her phone call. You didn't really know who she was calling with or what it was about. Something with the media and articles, you didn't really catch it. One thing you knew is that she was stressed about it and mad, she sounded mad. 

You waited for her to finish the call, and when she did she walked over to you and let herself fall next to you onto the couch. She let out a sigh "Who was it...?" you asked carefully

"My publicist" She said irritated "So apparently there are articles online that say that we slept together... from an anonymous source and that theory is being supported by your insta posts" She mumbled 

"Wait excuse me what?! How did that get out?? 'an anonymous source' what do you mean??" You asked her, very confused but also, she's your girlfriend now. The things that can happen, what if she doesn't think it's a good idea anymore? 

"I honestly don't know! I haven't told anyone besides my mom so-" she started saying but got disturbed when another phone went off. This time it was yours, it was Luke, he never called except if it was an emergency, so you picked up.

'Y/N im so so sorry'

'Luke what do you mean 'sorry'?'

'Rosie messaged someone about you and Taylor and now the whole media is onto it'

'Wait?? What?! It was Rosie???' 

You hung up, looking up at Taylor who listened to the whole conversation "It was Rosie?" she questioned you.

"Uhm apparently" You answered in return 

Taylor turned to you with a serious look "You know Y/N, I know we just made it official... but maybe we should've been taking it a little slower" She said slowly and uncertain 

You looked at her shocked "Taylor what do you mean? We have been taking it slow??" you said and nervously chuckled 

"I- just, if they see us together now they're going to spread more rumors. And the world doesn't know I am into women!" She said 

"Taylor what the f- it's not a rumor if it's true" You said, feeling a little betrayed by her to be honest

"They don't know that it is true! My publicist doesn't even know cause I wanted US to be a secret till the moment was right!" She said like she was defending herself 

"Okay so you're already breaking up with me?" You said with a lump in your throat 

Taylor scooted closer to you and grabbed your hands, taking them in hers "Y/N honey that's not what I said" She whispered to you "I- I think it's best if we keep away from each other for a little while till the 'rumors' are cleared up and then we'll see" She said reassuring 

You let out a disappointed sigh "But I just got you" You whispered to her

"I know baby" she said "we can FaceTime tho" she tried cheering you up

"Like that is going to get me off" You said sarcastically 

Taylor moved you onto her lap, giving you a few kisses "I'll talk to my mom and team and we will find a solution" She said, her hand brushing through your y/h/c locs 

"Just don't take too long" 

This is not proofread (Help me im dying of coughing)

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