Chapter 2

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When I got home I quickly kicked my heels off and ran to the kitchen to stuff my face. I haven't eaten all day so I rapidly put yesterday's leftovers of stir fry into the microwave to warm up. As I waited for my food I ran upstairs and changed into a pair of pj shorts and a muscle tee to be more comfortable. Taking my makeup off in the bathroom, I also let my hair down and brushed it watching it cascade down my back in beautiful waves.

"Why is it that my hair looks like those girls off of Pantene commercials when I'm all alone in my room but like I got run over when I need to be presentable?" I question myself out loud wondering how this happens. Shrugging my shoulders I walk out the bathroom to hear the microwave beep making my excitement bubble. I skip down the stairs almost falling for the third time today and go to the kitchen to eat my delicious stir fry. Taking it out of the microwave I grab a fork and stuff it in my mouth forgetting it was hot and scorching my tongue.

"Shit!" I shout as I try to inspect my now numb taste buds. I probably looked weird trying to look at my tongue cross-eyed. Ignoring my numb tongue I grab my food and a bottled water from the fridge and walk to the living room to watch a bit of tv. Sitting on my comfy couch, I set my food down to browse the channels and settle on watching pretty little liars reruns. Seeing as it's the first episode of season one, I squeal as fetus Ezria make out in the bathroom of a bar. After I finish my food, I continue watching PLL until I hear my door bell ring.

Confused as to who it could be at 11pm at night, I walk to the door and open it without looking which was dumb move on my part. Standing there in all his glory was Hannibal Lector!! Just kidding, it was my boss aka Mr. Stone. A look of amusement crossed his face as he takes in my attire. Blushing I hide behind the door to cover up my bare legs.

"Mr. Stone, what're you doing here?" I ask voicing my confusion.

"You dropped your phone when you tripped and I came by to give it to you." He replies showing me my phone in his outstretched hand. I reach my hand out to grab it but manage to also grab his hand in the process. Heat travels up my arm and I jerk my hand back and look up to see if he felt it too. He looked surprised but his signature smirk was still on his face.

"Thanks for dropping it off Mr. Stone, do you need anything else?" I ask him as he continues to stand in my doorway.

"No and you can call me Ivan when we're not at work Mrs. Winters." He replies with a small breathtaking smile.

"And you can call me Amelia outside of work Mr.Stone I-I mean Ivan." I said smiling as his name rolled off my tongue. Looking up, I see his eyes slightly darken before he snaps out of it and responds

"Well Amelia, I'll see you at work tomorrow at 10am sharp. Don't be late this time" He turns around to walk back to the elevators when I call his name again.

"How'd you know where I live?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

"I have my ways" he replies back mysteriously before winking and walking back to the elevators without waiting for my response. Closing the door, I lean back on it with a stupid smile on my face with my phone clutched to my chest. Shaking my head I walk up the stairs to my room to go to sleep because I'm exhausted after today. Putting my phone on the nightstand. I pull back the sheets to my bed and get cosy before closing my eyes. As I was about to slip into a dreamless slumber my phone buzzes. Reaching for it, I see a text from an unsaved number and open it.

Don't be late
- I.S
Knowing immediately that it was Ivan I shake my head not surprised he got my number since I don't have a passcode on my phone.

I won't be, goodnight Ivan:) I text back and quickly get a response with thirty seconds.

Goodnight Amelia:) Shaking my head with a small smile I don't reply and put my phone back on the nightstand. Once my head hits the pillow I was out like a light.

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