Chapter 30

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Amelia's pov.

Ivan and I stayed in the office for a few more hours, adding finishing touches to the meeting plans. Once finished, we decided to pack up and head home for the evening, considering how exhausted we both were.

Once my desk was rid of the files scattered around it, I grabbed my purse and walked over to Ivan, waiting patiently as he finished up. He looked up at me and gave me a breathtaking smile before closing his laptop and walking over to me.

"I don't know how you do it" I muttered to Ivan as he wrapped his arm around me.

"Do what" he asked curiously as he led me out to the elevators.

"Come to work everyday just to sit at a desk looking at papers until it's time to head home. If I were in your shoes, I probably would have shoved a pen through my left eye ages ago" I babble as we take the elevator down. I feel Ivan's chest rumble with laughter and I look up to see him watching me amused.

"Sometimes I wonder what goes on in that pretty little head of yours when you say things like that" he responds causing me to blush in embarrassment. Ivan helps me into the car and gets in behind me as the driver pulls away from the curb.

"I hope it's ok that I asked the driver to take us to a restaurant before heading home" he asks me and I give him a small nod along with a smile.

Throughout the entire ride, the only thing I could think about was my father and what exactly he was planning. From his reaction to Ivan and I being together, I could only imagine him wanting to drive us further apart by all means necessary. I'm pulled away from my thoughts by a constantly shaking of my arm, I look up to see Ivan gazing at me with concern.

"Mia cara, We arrived a couple minutes ago but you were too consumed with your thoughts" he tells me, silently asking me to tell him what I was thinking about. Giving him a sheepish smile, I step out of the car and walk with him to the front of the restaurant. We are quickly seated and begin to look through the menu trying to decide on what to eat. I finally decided on a light dinner of salmon and a salad on the side while Ivan ordered some fancy pasta with truffles and a bunch of other sides.

"It never fails to amaze me at how you eat enough to feed a baby whale but still maintain a muscular body" I mutter to myself as Ivan's laughter fills my ears. I look up to see his eyes crinkled with happiness causing my heart to fill with joy.

"I don't know whether to take that as a compliment or an insult" he jokes and I giggle in response. Our food arrives and we begin to eat, occasionally making small talk. When we finished, the bill arrives and Ivan immediately pulls out his card but I quickly slap his hand away and hand the waiter my card instead.

"If you take her card I'll make sure to have you fired before you reach the front desk" Ivan threatens and the waiter quickly hands me my card before grabbing Ivan's and scurrying away. I glare at Ivan as he looks at me smugly to which I flip him the finger.

"You told me I could pay the next time we went out to eat" I whine as he chuckles. The waiter arrives with the receipt and Ivan quickly signs while giving him a tip.

"What kind of man would I be if I let my woman waste her money knowing very well I had enough money to pay" he asks with a smirk and I roll my eyes in annoyance.

"And I love you for that but sometimes you make me want to stab a fork through your hand" I snap and he laughs yet again as he escorts me out of the restaurant and back into the car.  The ride to Ivan's house is rather quick as he opens the door and helps me out while guiding me to the front door of his house.

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