Chapter 5

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After lunch was over, I walk back to the elevators with a smile on my face. All I had was the muffin Connor bought me and a bottled water. Walking into the office without knocking, I look up to see Mr. Stone talking to blondie. I walk past them to my desk but not before she shoots me a glare which I return with a smile to anger her. Sitting down, I begin to analyze the profits but find myself listening to there conversation.

"Why can't I be your assistant again? I'm way better than your new one" she exclaims shooting me another glare. Rolling my eyes I look back down and pretend to keep working while listening.

"You should be glad I didn't fire you for what you did Melissa." Mr. Stone replies with a hint of anger.

"Accidents happen" she says not seeming sorry at all.

"You spilled coffee on Mr. Johnson, the head of the second biggest company in America! I'm not making you my assistant now or ever. You're lucky he didn't press charges." Mr. Stone shouts slightly red in the face.

"I hope you reconsider" she purrs, running her finger up and down his arm. Snorting, they both shoot me a look to which I respond by shrugging.

"Goodbye Melissa" Mr. Stone replies effectively ending the conversation. With a huff and a glare in my direction, she flips her hair before strutting out of the room.

"Did she really spill coffee on Mr. Johnson?" I ask him curiously. Looking at me, he nods before focusing back on his paperwork. I take that as my cue to continue working and all that is heard in the silence is the scribbling of pens.

A few hours later, I smile at the graph that I completed very proud of my work. Standing up, I walk over to give it to Mr. Stone. Our hands slightly brushed causing me to jerk mine back and cradle it to my chest still feeling the heat from where he touched me. Looking up, I watch him glance over the graph before he sets it down and stands up. He stalks towards me before stopping right in front of me. His woodsy cologne assaults my nose and I refrain from taking a whiff. He reaches out and caresses my face causing me to blush and look down. An intense silence washes over us before it is broken by his husky voice.

"What are you doing to me?" He whispers to himself not taking his eyes off me. Blushing even harder, I step out of his embrace knowing fully well that if I stayed, I might've done something I'd regret later. Walking back over to my desk, I lean forward to grab my purse before turning around. My eyes connect to his golden orbs swirling with lust and a slight smirk on his handsome face.

"Am I dismissed for the day Mr. Stone?" I ask wanting to get out of there as quickly as possible. He snaps out of his daze before replying.

"Yes Ms. Winters, you are free to go. I need you to be ready bright and early tomorrow for another meeting at another industry I'd like to work with. I'll pick you up at around 7:30am and we'll head over together. Bring your notepad and dress nicely, first impressions always count." He says making sure I caught every word.

"Alright, I'll see you then Mr. Stone" I respond before smiling and walking towards the door. I feel his eyes follow my every move as I exit causing me to increase my pace.

Making it down to the lobby I make sure to bid Connor goodbye before running to my car and starting the engine. Entering my apartment, I kick my heels off before running to the kitchen to make some dinner. Getting a pot out, I fill it up with water to start boiling some pasta. For sauce, I decide on a simple lemon and herb vinaigrette not wanting to eat something too heavy. Getting out a plate, I serve myself some pasta and grab a coke from the fridge before setting my dinner down in the living room. I quickly run up to my room and strip down from my work clothes and settle on wearing an oversized shirt and some shorts. Walking to the bathroom, I put my hair up before washing the make up off my face.

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