Chapter 19: Scattered Minds

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Music is Cordialement from the Magi OST, composed by Kajiura Yuki. Please do play it!


Fortunately, my tears have mostly dried up by the time I return to Battein. Good thing too, for the first person I run into is Everest.

"You all right, Rutherland? It's nowhere near summer, yet you look as peachy as a sunburn," are his opening, optimistic words.

"I'm all right, Everest," I reply, shaking my head. I have to get a grip on myself. Just because Abner isn't around doesn't mean I can go about acting lousy and demotivated. As much as I want to do so. "I'm a bit—tired, that's all."

"Well, I can tell you that Grand Seer Fabienne is nigh nowhere to be found," he says, crossly putting his hands to hips. He looks about our surroundings, dull blond hair ruffled by the faint wind. He looks nowhere near as intimidating as Sir Kendrick, that's for certain, with his leaner build and shorter stature. But there's a certain sharpness in his eyes that one can't dismiss. "What about you? Did the Cave of Three Souls yield any results?"

"Bits and pieces," I say absently, taking in my surroundings as well. I've entered the town through the west, it seems. Pst. Kiaran help me in differentiating the geography of this place though. There's something...odd about the structures. About the way the entire place is constructed. Right now, the oddness is mostly diminished by the incessant chatter and going-on-s of the villagers' daily lives. It'll be the last moment of bustling about for today—everyone should be wrapping everything up, ready for the night.

"Care to share those bits and pieces?" A small child, no more than six, runs past us, clad head to toe in black. She gives me a look, before scurrying off after noting Everest's pointed stare. "What was she looking at?"

"We've only just arrived in Battein for two days, Everest," I say, grinning. "I'm fairly sure that visitors are a rare anomaly in this part of the world."

Everest harrumphs in spectacular knightly fashion. "We are the anomaly," he snorts.

I shrug my shoulders, all too glad that Everest doesn't consider the idea of a girl abruptly stopping to look at us strange at all. So far, the townsfolk involved in the ritual this morning have been keeping a wide berth around me. I pray that this continues for the remainder of our stay here.

Everest promptly returns his attention to me. I keep my posture relaxed, careful not to betray the whirlwind of emotions raging inside me. Two days. We've only been here for two days, yet so much has happened—to me at least. I can't say the same for the others.

My eyes burn. I clamp down on my emotions, willing the tears to freeze.

"So, bits and pieces. I'd like to hear them," he says.

The bits and pieces which I haven't entirely figured out myself. "Later. I'd prefer to narrate my experience when everyone is gathered."

"Fair enough." Everest releases the hands on his hips. I notice that he has a longsword strapped to his belt. My mouth opens to berate him—of course he would draw stares on his own, waltzing around with a weapon like that. Even Sir Kendrick had elected to store Bloodslayer in his room. "Well then, shall we return to the mansion? I doubt that Grand Seer Fabienne is anywhere near this place."

"I doubt that too, seeing that you've worked yourself into a considerable state." I gesture towards his head. He makes an effort to smooth it down to its usual pristine self; his hair pays no attention towards his efforts.

"I take that as a yes," he sighs.

Everest walks off first; I follow him. Without having to fret over the possibilities that I might take myself over the border cleaving Perinus and Thiruthia, I take the liberty to observe my surroundings.

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