Chapter 20: Opposing Forces

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Music is Moon by Sleeping At Last. It's somewhere down there, so play it when you reach that point! (Seriously, do.) And for those of you looking for indie music, try everything this band has. All their songs are godsends, I swear.


"Well, that was eventful."

Sir Isaac's crusty tone breaks the silence. My eyes flick towards him; he's still sprawled lazily upon the chair, his frail figure almost being swallowed by the embroidered cushions. Why? Why does Miraterciel keep screaming when I'm in close proximity to him?

No. I know why. But I can't bear to think of it. Not now—not when so many things are happening at the same time.

"Was the whole 'the world is doomed' ramblings a facade?" murmurs Gilbert. "Or is it something to be taken seriously?"

"At any rate, we now have access to the Cave of Three Souls." Everest nods at me and my fellow Champion. "There's something going on inside there."

"How would you know that?" Gilbert folds his arms across his chest, leaning against the great mahogany table in the centre of the room. "For all we know, the Lorelays are merely diverting our attention in order to hide the real source of the infection."

"It's a possibility that cannot be ruled out, of course," Everest replies, "but like Sir Kendrick mentioned earlier, we need to investigate all leads. Besides, I don't think the Lorelays have any ill intents towards us."

"You can't tell anything when it comes to them." Gilbert's gaze briefly flutters towards me; I look away. I know he's remembering the ritual this morning—the way Grand Seer Fabienne and Maya had practically tricked me into doing it. I want to tell him to calm down, that nothing has happened to me yet. But even if Abner agreed to the ritual, I don't know if my necromancy is for the best or worst.

Everest shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly. "Just a hunch. I've dealt with plenty of their kind before."

"Enough to tell if they don't harbour any ill intentions?"

"I think so, yes."

Everest speaks with a quiet confidence that immediately silences Gilbert. Definitely not an easy feat to accomplish. I wonder if it's because of his past—the fact that he was a bandit. From what little I know, they'd have dealings with the underground market, where the dealers are cutthroat and the customers even more so. I guess that he'd have to develop some form of intuition to keep his guts intact when dealing with these people.

Sir Kendrick clears his throat, successfully recapturing our attentions. "So, we'll just continue investigating the area. Falkner, Rutherland, naturally both of you have been reassigned to the Cave of Three Souls."

"Hold on, sir, I'm still supposed to read through...all this?" Everest waves a helpless arm at the books lining the walls.

"Yes, you are." Everest deflates, head bowed in defeat. The image is rather hilarious. "And Sir Isaac, I know that you can't contribute much, but do try to talk to the servants around here. They may know something."

A thought pops into my head. "Sir, you mentioned that you dropped by Battein before, when you were en route to Hallicus?"

He gives me a perfect fish-eye. "Whoever told you that?"

"Sir, you mentioned it just yesterday." I turn towards Sir Kendrick. "Sir, you highlighted it."

The Bane scrunches his brows together. "Odd. I don't remember anything of the sort."

Gilbert, Everest and I stare at the both of them in disbelief.

"Sir, you clearly mentioned that you wanted to ask Sir Isaac of further details," Everest says slowly, as though in fear that the Bane might suddenly lash out with Bloodslayer and off his head.

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