Chapter 4

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I entered the empty classroom with Thomas beside me. I saw the books that Kyle had talked about on my desk. Me and Thomas headed to the back of the class waiting for the rest of the students to fill in. Some of the students that were werewolves bowed their head slightly at me when they entered and got to their seats. I occasionally nodded back. I kept my eyes on the door most of the time impatient for the arrival of my mate.

Soon Andrew and Aria came in, nodded at me, and sat on the desks next to ours. Thomas started a conversation with Andrew and Aria probably informing them of my mate because I could feel the glances that they gave me but I ignored them staring at the door.

About half of the class was filled when I detected the scent of peppermint and rain. His scent seemed to embrace every inch of my body urging me to go to him. He entered the door with a boy by his side. The boy had dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. I could tell by his scent that the boy was werewolf from Kyle's pack. I had forgotten his name not usually seen him around.

They were talking about something. Then my mate turned to me as if feeling my stare. He instantly blushed and looked at the floor. My heart skipped a beat and I could tell my wolf was happy that we affected our mate like that. I kept looking at him curiously, forcing myself not to smile.

"Zeiden, dude are you coming?" I could hear the blonde boy asked looking up at my mate,Zeiden, from one of the desks in the front with my werewolf hearing. Zeiden stumbled a little as he hurried to the seat next to the blonde hair boy. I wanted nothing more than have him at my side at that moment. I finally got my mates name.

"Dude are you blushing?." His friend asked in a semi loud teasing voice. Zeiden just shoved him still blushing.

"Dylan," he said in a smooth and deep silky voice that instantly captured my heart it was slightly husky making me think that he did not talk a lot, "can I ask you something?" He turned his head to his friend, Dylan. Dylan turned to look at Zeiden.

"Listening in on your mate." Thomas said shaking his head acting disappointed.

"Shut up." I said turning back to my mate but just then the teacher, Mr.Rodriguez, came in and the bell rang causing all the students to face the front.

Mr.Rodriguez stepped behind the desk gathering some papers before looking up. His eyes meet mine for a second before he stood straighter and said, "Today we will be reviewing the vocabulary," he moved around the room passing out a paper to us, "terms that will be in the exam this Thursday. You will be copying your notes from the slides." He turned on the projector. "Argument and Style Terms." He said reading of the slide. The students started making quiet conversation with their partners already ignoring the poor man.

I kept my eyes on Zeiden as Mr.Rodriguez began on the first word anastrophe. He had turned back to Dylan and began to talk to him. I turned my eyes out the window next to me as I used my werewolf hearing again to listen in.

"Who is the black haired girl with green eyes in the back?" He asked in his soft silky voice.

A second later I heard Dylan sigh lowering his voice making it a bit harder to hear, he said, "Zeiden, dude she is really not someone to talk to. She is seriously bad news." This almost caused me to turn around. I didn't know I was bad new.

"Why?" I could hear the curiously in Zeiden's voice.

"Just trust me on this,okay?" I was actually quite amuse at how they seemed to view me. I mean I am not blind I do notice that others try to avoid me but I didn't know it was because I seemed like bad news.

I thought they finished talking but I heard Zeiden voice again. "You still haven't answered my question." He probed persistent.

I heard silence probably trying to convince Zeiden to drop it. "She is Ruedan." He said giving up.

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