Chapter 8

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The whole day Zeiden was ignoring me. Not that he had to try to hard, I was also busy. But before school I tried to find him but he had come to school late. In class he ignored my stares not turning once. I tried to sit next to him in first period but he moved. After class I had to stay behind to talk to teachers about the work I needed to do and to turn in work I did. My wolf began to thing that he was going to reject her and began retreating in my head.

I began to think over everything I did yesterday. Maybe it was because of how I talked to him. Even if I apologize I thought he had understood. I needed to apologize again. My wolf was miserable the whole time and howling in pain inside my head. I was sure I would end up crying if he left me. I put up a blank face at that thought. I would most certainly not cry. I had not cried in more than three years and I wouldn't start now.

I had needed to go to the principal's office during lunch and I also need to do something before that. I decide to confront him in Statistics class(the class we had previously sat together in). That was the last class we had together before lunch.

I entered the room. I had just turned in some essays for AP English Language and Composition. I saw he was already in a seat. He sat on the other side of the room from where we had sat yesterday. It was in the middle of the room but against the left wall.

Next to him was a human girl. My wolf cried out louder at how close he was to the girl. I kept my face blank of emotion as I walked to him. I knew he felt me coming but he still didn't turn. "Move." I commanded in a low but dangerous alpha voice towards the girl. The alpha voice does work on humans but only very powerful alphas can commanded humans. The little thing was a shy girl with large glasses but I only spared her a single glance and I turned my eyes to Zeiden. She quickly moved out of my way stumbling as she moved. I could even see a small shake in her hand.

I sat down. He couldn't get out without me needing to move. He was cornered between the wall and me. He looked directly in front of us and gulped. I knew he felt uncomfortable. I turned around and saw that everyone was looking at us. I glared at all of them making them turn around. When I didn't say anything the sound of conversations started up around me. I turned to him hoping he would feel more comfortable with less people listening in on us.

"Zeiden." I said slowly not wanting him to go away. He still didn't move and was very still. I wanted to get him out of class but knew he wouldn't want to. I felt my wolfs fear that one word or move would cause him to reject us. I opened my mouth but didn't know what to say so I closed it and thought for a moment.

I opened my mouth again but at that moment the teacher came in. I closed it again. I tried to find the right moment but couldn't. I felt my wolf howling in pain thinking he was rejecting us. I couldn't take it anymore. I whispered, "I am sorry. For anything and everything I did. I am really sorry." Then I stood up and walked out the door. I could see the surprise look on the teachers face but she was to shocked to do anything.

I walked the halls looking at my feet as I dragged them one step at a time. I heard the bell signal the end of class. I looked up from my feet as saw that I was in the woods. To be exact I was in the spot where I was with Zeiden yesterday. For some reason that made my heart hurt all that more and my wolf howl even louder. I blocked my wolf not wanting to have to hear her heartbroken howls anymore. I had had enough with the crying shouts of sorrow from my heart.

I spent AP Microeconomics in a down mood but kept a blank face . After that I went to the main office. "I am here to see Mr.Wilson." I told the lady typing on the computer in a blank voice. He straightened her back a gave me a professional smile.

"Just a moment." She said using the phone on her left to call the Mr.Wilson. I heard her mention my name before telling me to go right in.

I entered the room with my documents in hand. He sat behind his desk with his hands folded in front of him and motioned in front of him. I took a seat. "I am sorry for not informing you about not being able to attend the original meeting yesterday." I said just to be polite. He told me it was alright.

"I heard the situation from Mr.Wilson that you would like to graduate early." I nodded confirming what he said. "I have taken a look at your grades and your high school credit for college. It is all ready to go. You just need to turn in the signed papers Mason gave you." He said pointing to the papers I placed on the table. I slide them over to him.

"I have a question." He looked up at me from the papers I gave him. "Would this early graduation cause trouble for my plan to skip freshman year in college?" I asked him.

He thought about it then said, "No I am sure it doesn't change a thing. Since you completed all the AP classes require." He said. I thanked him and got out the door.

Finally I am done with high school. I thought to myself. Now we have to start the next step. College.


I noticed that lunch had passed and it was now 5th period, study hall. I was tempted to just leave school early but I knew I couldn't because I still needed to talk with my afternoon teachers.

So I had to walk the halls once again. I then came to a decision that I wasn't going to give up. I needed to find out what changed Zeiden's mind. But first I need to find him. I started sniffing out where Zeiden was. And I knew that I wasn't going to let him go.

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