Chapter 13

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I felt a hot wave of fire over me, taking control.

My eyes turning to blazing blue fires showing my power. I turned to the wolves who now seemed to hesitated for a moment, taking a step back.

I gave them a cold wolf smile my eyes gleeing hungry for blood at the sight in front of me. I opened my jaw itching to close it around their throat. I took a step towards them as they backed away knowing that in this game I was the predator and they were the prey.

I took in their wolfs. They were slightly bigger than me and a bit stronger. But I was faster and now stronger.

I let out an earthshaking roar my eyes and mark equally glowing.

I jumped at the closest one to me ripping out his throat easily as it froze in fear looking at the other wolves. I could smell the fear oozing out of them.

I opened my jaw and he dropped out down lifeless. I lifted my head curling back my lips exposing my fangs.

I growled at them to attack me. And in a flash they did. They snapped at me bitting my leg. I saw one come for my throat and I snapped at his first making him jump back. I twisted myself out of their hold, biting into anything close to me. I clawed at them hearing howls all around me.

I could feel my fur being ripped off of me and blood leaving my body but not once did I stop. I had gotten them tired so then I shook them off and moved to the trees.

I moved quickly trying to confused them. My blood pumped fast flowing with the blazing fire that moved me. I knew it would be harder all together so I had to get them one by one. Once they were circling one another, I began to attack.

I saw one of them was a few meters away from the others and saw him limping. I came out into view and stopped in front of him. I bit of a chunk off his side making him roar in pain. I knew the other would quickly come so I closed my jaw around his throat killing him.

Two down four to go.

I stepped away just as one of the wolves came into sight. His coat was soaked. There was no telling if it was from the rain or his blood.

He had is back to me looking down at my masterpiece. I could see his frame shake before turning to look around him. His eyes passed right over me not seeing me. He looked over me again this time seeing me because of my eyes blazing knowing his heart would soon stop beating.

I saw his eyes widen in fear as he started to run. All that was heard was a whimper from him as he took his last breathe when I jumped on him.

Three down three to go.

The last three wolves came into the scene at the same time. I slipped behind a tree as they did a quick sweep over the grounds. They looked at each other mind linking but still glancing around each other knowing I was around. They huddled closer together and headed back to the small clearing we where in.

They watched each other's backs the whole way. Once they got there they mind linked again glancing at the car crash.

As they started moving towards it, I stepped out from the trees growling. I didn't know why but I felt the need to protect what-who ever was in there.

They all turned to me crowded together again. I paced in front of them. When I snapped, they jumped.

One of them seemed tired to be played and jumped me but missed me when I side stepped him making him fall on his face. The others followed in suit. I managed to miss the next one but the last one got on me. I threw him off of me by grabbing the scruff of his neck.

I jumped on him but before I could close my jaw around his neck I felt jaws close around my already injured leg. I howled turning to the wolf. He gripped my leg not letting go. I bit his neck when I tried to wiggle out but couldn't.

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