Chapter Twenty-Seven

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October 17th, 2019




I slowly stood, the nails in my back sending tsunamis of pain down my spine. I slowly stood to face to meet them, locking my knees. I knew this where I was going to die.

These soldiers were trained, their armor professionally made. The armor looked like it was made out of obsidian snakeskin. Their helmets, black as night, the only piece of body shown off were the eyes. Their spears were in their hands pointed at me, there was five of them, a unit.

My eyes were half-lidded. Even now I feel my mate slowly draining my powers away from me. He had to heal, and I had to protect him. If he was awake I knew he would want me to stop and run away. Though that's not me, not anymore.

I wouldn't know if Weni would be proud of me, but I didn't care. I would die protecting him now and I would die protecting him in a hundred years.

I let out a menacing growl, though I felt nothing but weak. "Whoever you are, you shall not touch him!" I roared putting in one of my last ounces of power into it.

They flinched back, "we are the Dragon Kings most elite forces, its best you back away from our king," One of the men in the front spoke. I flicked my chin up holding it up high. Then it registered what they were saying.

"You are the king's men?" I gasped out, my shoulders slumping slightly, I really couldn't last much longer. I needed to rest, let alone shrink back down to normal size. "Meaning you protect him."

One of them nodded, their dull grey eyes flickered with confusion. I had a rush of relief, then fear shook me again. "Prove it." I can't trust these people just yet.

Confusion struck them again, "who are you to tell us what to do," the middle one sneered again.

"He is my mate." I hissed through my teeth, straightening my spine out again, "and I will protect him from you till you prove you are actually his men."

"You are Sheila?" One in the back said stumbling forward so I can see him.

I nodded my head, and seconds later they dropped their spears shoving it into the ground. "We apologize," they all got on one knee. "We didn't realize we were standing up to you Queen Sheila, we thought you were missing."

Friends? Foes? It didn't matter now. The blackness in my vision was drawing closer and closer. "I need your help." I stepped to the side, away from my mate. "We were attacked by Kolgrim, he was electrocuted, I'm too weak to carry him," I gasped out a breath, my vision turning black then coming back, "even I'm not doing too well, you need to call reinforcements-"

Then I blacked out. Leaving our lives in the hands of strangers.


I woke up in a bed. I gasped and sat up, "where am I? Where is Zaivinth?" I looked to my left, then I felt a hand be placed on my shoulder. I gasped and snapped my head to the side.

I was met with a teary-eyed Selven. "Sheila! When the men carried you in, blood everywhere," He grabbed a hand and squeezed it. "I thought I had lost one of my only friends."

I squeezed his hand back, "I won't go down that easy." We both smiled at this.

"Is Zaivinth alright?" He nodded, I let out a sigh of relief and leaned back on my headboard. "Gods, he makes me lose years off my life." I ran a hand down my face.

Selven laughed lightly leaning back in his chair, "I'm sure the feeling is mutual."

"Oh, I guess you are right. I just up and disappeared out of nowhere." I said softly looking at my hands that were now resting together in my lap.

"That gave everyone a heart attack, even Dweren," Selven said standing. Even that little pain in the ass dwarf was worried about me, gosh, I was touched. "Now, I need to leave."

"Where are you going?" I asked sitting up, looking at the door that he had walked up too. He was turning the handle as he looked back at me.

"Someone needs to run the country while your mate is too weak to move." It was the most sarcastic, humerus, thing that Selven had ever said, and I loved it.

"Wait, is there any way I can help?"

He tapped his chin, "well..." he began, leaning on the opened door. "I could use some help with the documents." Then his eyes flicked to me, "but I don't want to stress you. You should focus on a speedy recovery, my queen." Why was everyone calling me a queen, last time I checked I was not coronated.

"You worry too much," I kicked off the sheets, and ignored the pain in my back. I couldn't let my pain stop me from this amazing opportunity. I looked down at myself, I was in a scrub gown. I blushed as I strolled to what I assume was a closet.

"I'll call the maids," I looked over to him who already had a head out the door looking down the hall. He was waving his hand probably signaling someone from down the hall.

"Here they come," he looked back and smiled a goofy grin.

"Hello." The maid popped into the room, I was taken aback, she had spiral black horns that wrapped around her head, she had bright red hair and dazzling green eyes. She looked at me and clearly avoided eye contact with Selven.

I guess she was scared of him. My heart quivered, I was just like her at first, but now, I can't help but care for my lovably shy friend. I gave her a bright smile, "hello I am Sheila."

"Hello, Queen Sheila," she curtsied deeply and I cringed. "I will get you a fine dress."

"When you are done," the maid reluctantly looked up and met eyes with Selven. Give him a chance, I swear he wouldn't hurt a fly. "Please escort her to my office." She nodded her head and moved her eyes back on the ground.

He looked to me and smiled, I smiled back, "I will see you there." He gave me a shy wave then disappeared behind the closing door.

The door clicked and the maid looked out a sigh of relief, I was going to have to work on that with the people around me. She then looked up to my eyes, her eyes sparkled with excitement, "I'm so glad to meet you, I am Calina, Calina Heartwood, I will be taking care of you for now." Her hands sparkled before a beautiful dress appeared across her hands.

She grinned, "let's make you beautiful," she looked at me with these assessing eyes.

I gulped.



My life is so stressful... yoo I just want to take a fat nap.

 yoo I just want to take a fat nap

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Are you glad she is safe?

(shes safe right now... but not for long MUAHAH)

How do you think she will be running her country?

How do you think Xion is doing?


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